
at 18:00 (JST), September 21 ( CC > Copilot )


CC from NEWSLINE 18:00

Welcome to NHK “Newsline.” I’m Ramin Mellegard in Tokyo. Japan’s Meteorological Agency has issued an emergency rain warning for parts of Ishikawa Prefecture. It’s the highest level of alert on the agency scale of 1 to 5. One person died, and three people are missing, and property damage has been reported. The agency has just given a news conference.

Translator: The agency has issued a heavy rain emergency warning for the cities of Wajima and Suzu and Noto Town in Ishikawa Prefecture. This level of downpour has never been experienced in this region before. In particular, it is highly likely that some disasters have already happened. The danger people are facing corresponds to the level 5, which is the highest on Japan’s disaster warning scale. Residents must secure safety immediately. The risk to their lives is imminent. The agency may issue the same warning to more municipalities in the near future. It will be too late to evacuate after an emergency warning is issued, so please secure your safety by following the evacuation information that has been issued by your local municipality. You must do so in order to protect your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Agency officials are urging people in the affected areas to exercise maximum caution, as anything and landslides. Now, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Yoshimasa spoke to reporters about the Prime Minister’s directives.

Translator: The instructions include providing timely and accurate information to the public and closely coordinating with local governments to ensure thorough pre-emptive measures such as evacuation support, and at the same time, under the principle of prioritizing human life, the government will work to quickly assess damage levels and fully engage in disaster response efforts.

In the three hours to 11:00 a.m., Wajima City was hit with 220 millimeters of rain. In Suzu City, 145.9 millimeters was recorded in three hours until noon. They are the highest recordings since the Meteorological Agency began taking statistics. Rainfall is intensifying in Niigata Prefecture, a rain gauge set up by the Land Ministry measured 35 millimeters of rain ..... in the hour to 3:00 p.m.  ..... Heavy rain and muddy water are flowing into a road. The man who shot it says he’s never seen anything like this. He says it’s dangerous to go out, and he wants to wait at home for the rain to stop.

Now, this video was filmed from a taxi in Kawi Town in Wajima City in Ishikawa Prefecture shortly before 9:00 a.m. Water has accumulated on the road up to the taxi’s windows. The driver is worried, saying the car might stall. Mudslide alerts have been issued for parts of Ishikawa, Yamagata, Niigata, and Akita Prefectures. Significant rainfall has fallen there due to a rain front and low pressure. One person has been confirmed dead in Suzu City. Seven people are reported missing in the Noto region. Four of them are members of a reconstruction team in Wajima City. Those damaged in the New Year’s Day earthquake. The Land Ministry says they may have been caught in a landslide.

As of 1:00 p.m., Suzu City and Noto Town have issued evacuation orders for all areas, and Wajima City has issued an evacuation order for parts of the city covering more than 45,000 residents. The Defense Ministry has dispatched self-defense personnel following a request from Ishikawa Prefecture. Power company officials say as of 2:30 p.m., about 6,500 households in Ishikawa Prefecture were without electricity. ..... East Japan Railway suspended service on the Shinkansen bullet train for all of Saturday in both directions between the station stations. More heavy rain is expected Sunday. The operator is calling on people to check the latest information on its website.

Meanwhile, the rain front is expected to remain stationary over the Tohoku region and eastern Japan. Sunday extremely heavy rain with thunder is expected in wide areas from western Japan to Tohoku region. It’s been downgraded to a tropical depression. The storm is expected to move from the Sea of Japan to Tohoku. ..... On Sunday up to 200 millimeters of rain is expected in the regions. Up to 180 millimeters here and up to 150 millimeters in Niigata Prefecture and these regions. The weather is expected to be stormy with strong winds. People are advised to pay attention to the latest weather and evacuation information issued by local governments. .....

We have a report from Wajima City that was aired on our domestic service at 3:00 p.m. with simultaneous interpretation in English.

Translator: I am in Wajima City. We have an evacuation place set up here as of 12:40. 38 people have evacuated here. Earlier we interviewed a resident. 50 people from Urakami Town have evacuated here by bus. In Mozemachi Rogami section, there are some isolated areas reported. And with more evacuated residents, from storage there have been blankets carried in. This was a report from Monzemachi.

An expert on landslides says the topography of the Noto region is very steep, making it easier for landslides to occur.

Translator: A strong earthquake struck the region on New Year’s Day. The ground itself has become very loose, and it’s more likely than usual to collapse even after a little rain.

He warns people to remain on the alert. He says in the past deaths have occurred even during evacuations with victims swept away by floodwaters.

Translator: If possible, it is better if neighbors call on each other and evacuate to a safe place in groups.

For more on what people in the affected areas need to watch out for, here’s our meteorologist, Jonathan Oh.

A heavy rain emergency warning means that the heavy rain is leading to the concerns that it’s going to threaten those who are in the area. For those who are now being impacted by this emergency warning, you’re at a level 5 when it comes to the evacuation, you need to secure your safety immediately. Because this rain situation is going to create threats for you, if not already, depending on where you are located. You may already be seeing landslides occurring nearby where you are along with the swollen rivers and the inundation. All of these threats come from heavy rain, and so at this point, it is particularly dangerous for you to venture out because of the rising waters along with the ground that is likely to give way. One thing you want to keep in mind, though, is that if you are now putting that evacuation plan into action, some of you may not actually be able to get there because of the flooding. So you want to find the safest location where you are, which means if you have a mountainous area near you, try to find the farthest point from there in your building, and as much as possible get to the higher floors to get away from the rising waters. We want to make sure that you can get through this particular situation as safe as possible. 

Those were the top stories for this hour.

That’s a wrap of this edition of NHK “Newsline”. I’m Ramin Mellegard. Thank you so much for joining us.

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