
at 18:00 (JST), October 15 (CC.srt 17:00 > Copilot)


Hello, a very warm welcome to MH K Newsline. I am Yamamoto Miki in Tokyo. 

The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees is calling for a humanitarian pause in the fighting in Gaza to allow for a second round of polio vaccines. Health workers began administering doses on Monday. The agency says the plan is to reach some 590,000 under 10 in less than two weeks. Israel and Hamas are reportedly agreeing to stop fighting during the vaccine campaign. But on Sunday, officials say an Israeli air strike hit a school in central Gaza meant to carry out that. 22 were killed and 80 injured. A one-year-old and his mother were among the casualties.

“Gaza is finished. Gaza is over. There is no one left in Gaza. Everyone goes to sleep and wakes in fear.”

Urging both sides to hold off from fighting so they can reach as many as possible with the critical vaccines.

Ukraine’s president has his troops are engaged in a fierce battle in the region of Kursk as forces try to fallback territory. On Ukraine’s cross-border offensive that began in August. He says Russia has been trying to break through Ukraine’s defense in the Kursk region and for five days. Zelenskyy added that his forces are holding the line. Ukraine’s top prosecutor said on Sunday that Russian forces are suspected of shooting and killing nine Ukrainian prisoners of war in the region. His office has opened a criminal investigation. The U.S.-based Institute for the Study of Forces they recently observed an increase in Russian forces executing Ukrainian prisoners of war. And says they are likely condoned, encouraged or directly ordered by Moscow’s commanders.

Campaigning in Japan’s lower house election kicked off Tuesday with over 1000 candidates vying for a seat. The ruling coalition is looking to maintain its majority, but the opposition parties are hoping to prevent it. A taste of what the leaders are pitching to voters.

“We faced this election with a sense of deep reflection. We must never again allow like failing to declare revenue from fundraising. This is for Japan’s revitalization. We will create Japan undo. We want to prevent-- present our new policies. The supplementary budget for last year was 37 trillion yen in total. We are going to submit a bigger supplementary budget and pass it after deliberations. We place faith in the public and in the people to speak the truth and discuss how the patient could go forward. There are no other parties in the coalition party of LDP that can lead Japan.”

“This is a dissolution, the issue should not be hidden. People should understand and should express their anger. The lower house has been rushed to dissolution. Once the election is over, the Democratic Party will say that the slight is wiped clean. And once again claim official backing from those who were not officially endorsed and put them back in responsible position. Let’s break away from the politics of the LDP, which supports lawmakers involved in backroom deals.”

“The Liberal Democratic Party lacks the ability to fix itself. To regain the public trust, we have to be more clean and transparent about money and politics. Through self-discipline and painful self reform. Once this election is over and the next session begins, we will thoroughly address this issue.”

“We need to keep raising wages to exceed rising prices. Which political party or coalition can respond to the issues facing our country at home and abroad and is ready to implement those policies? The only party that can engage in politics that truly serve ordinary citizens and the public.”

“We won’t let the fundraising scandal fade away. Our party will continue to call for a thorough investigation. We also aim to ban all donations from companies and organizations. The abolition of the consumption tax in mind, we want to lower it to 5%. We also big-- inc. the invoice system should be eliminated. Lead us to a hopeful future.”

“Will you choose politicians trying to make the people rich or choose politicians trying to make themselves rich? We will resolve the issue of slush fund and will promote policies to increase your net income by lowering social insurance premiums.”

“The Liberal Democratic Party and the defunct Democratic Party are all responsible for having mismanaged the economy. Our party will firmly push to help people’s daily lives through three initiatives. Reducing consumption tax, offering seasonal cash handout and lowering social insurance.”

“This is a historic race that will end the politics of the LDP. He’s and making a living are the most important. Tax money should go toward improving people’s livelihoods. We want to appeal to the public on these issues.”

“A big issue in this election is how Japan will survive the turbulent international situation we need to stop the recklessness of the administration and we must stop the country 30 year slump.”

All lower house seats are up for grabs. 289 will be decided in singleseat districts and 176 through proportional representation system. A majority is 233. The prime minister says if the governing coalition can secure majority, he would consider it a victory. The coalition held 290 seats when he had the chamber last week.

These are the parties fielding candidates in singleseat districts. Liberal Democratic Party. The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan. Japan Innovation Party. Komeito. Japanese Communist Party. Democratic Party for the People. Reiwa Shinsengumi. Social Democratic Party. Sanseito. The Collaborative Party. Conservative Party of Japan. Other groups. Independent. 

Here are those vying for the proportional representation seats. Limit Democratic Party. 

The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan. Japan Innovation Party. Komeito. Japanese Communist Party. Democratic Party for the People. Reiwa Shinsengumi. Social Democratic Party. Sanseito. Conservative Party of Japan. Political Group for Considering a Euthanasia System. 

The campaign will run for 12 days. Tune into NHK Newsline for results and analysis after polls close on October 27th.

Runners in colorful dinosaur costumes turned out for a race on the grassy ski slope in central Japan on Sunday. More than 100 participants ranging in age from one to 74 did warm-ups to prepare for the competition. There were a total of four races.

“It’s the first time I have raced as a T-Rex and the first time here during the day. A great experience.”

The event is intended to give a boost to tourism. The area is known as the dinosaur capital of Japan.

U.S. space agency NASA has launched a spacecraft for Jupiter’s moon Europa. It is the start of a mission to study what is believed to be one of the solar system’s most suitable environment for life beyond Earth.

“3, 2, 1. Ignition and liftoff.”

A rocket carrying the Europa Clipper was launched on Monday from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The spacecraft weighs about six tons and extends nearly 30 meters in length. It will orbit Jupiter and make nearly 50 flybys to conduct detailed surveys. Europa is about 90% the size of Earth’s moon and is covered by ice. NASA says there is strong evidence of an ocean of liquid water under the surface. Europa Clipper will attempt to confirm the existence of the ocean and analyze substances found in the environment. The goal is to determine whether conditions on the moon can support human life. The spacecraft is scheduled to be put into orbit in 2030 and will start gathering data the following year.

Let’s check out the world weather with our meteorologist Jonathan Oh. People in parts of Brazil are reeling from a powerful storm on Monday. What is the latest in the situation there?

Hello. We have a storm that rolled through the southern portions of Brazil and around Sao Paulo and caused some damage in the process. Let’s go to some video to show you the situation of how things unfolded as a strong low pressure system passed through southern Brazil, thunderstorms with wind gusting up to 108 kilometers per hour in Sao Paulo. Strong wind knocked down trees and power lines and caused widespread power outages. Authorities said at least seven people died and it also shut down several airports and interrupted water supplies. A lot of that moisture has now moved down but the central portions will be seeing rain and some storms as we go through Tuesday. Also a high of 30.

Meanwhile across North America, we do have a little bit of a disturbance rolling through the Ohio River Valley. That will bring some showers in the region through the day on Tuesday. Elsewhere, high pressure is controlling the weather back toward the west and this big pool of cold air from the north. As we go throughout the next couple of days. But the dry weather pattern is the big story. Chicago looking at wet weather with a high of 11. Over into Seattle as well with a high of 15 on Tuesday.

We are looking at rain into Japan, we have a cold front across the Sea of Japan and moving into the country. You’ll need to get ready for some of that weather with an umbrella or so. Because we have a couple systems rolling along through. And once we see the rain coming through, be ready for the temperatures to also sink a bit. From mid-20s to even like upper teens possibly depending on where you’re located. Showers in Sapporo, Niigata, Osaka. More rain as we get later on this week. Hope you have a great day wherever you are.

And that is NHK Newsline for this hour. I’m Yamamoto Miki in Tokyo. Thanks for joining us on NHK World Japan.

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