
at 18:00 (JST), September 09 (CC>Copilot>plus italic)



Hello. Welcome to NHK "Newsline."1 I’m Yamamoto Miki in Tokyo.

A court has given a legal victory to a number of people seeking recognition as atomic bomb survivors. The court says people who were just outside the government-designated zone of radiation from the bombing should be recognized as survivors2. The Nagasaki District Court on Monday announced a ruling9. It has ordered the city and Nagasaki Prefecture to recognize 15 of the 44 plaintiffs, including two who died, as hibakusha and give them certificates10. The presiding judge said it has recognized that black rain containing radioactive substances fell in some areas near the hypocenter. Having the certificate allows them to receive medical allowances for the treatment of cancer and other illnesses11. The plaintiffs were within 12 kilometers of the hypocenter when the bomb exploded on August 9th, 1945, but they were outside the government-designated zone so they were entitled to only limited medical support. 44 survivors had filed lawsuits demanding they be recognized as A-bomb survivors from 2007 but all lost their cases. The city and the prefecture asked the court to deny their demands on the grounds that their situations do not warrant a ruling different from court decisions in the past12. Prime Minister Kishida Fumio last month had his first meeting with representatives of a group of those who were just outside the designated zone13. He told them the government will consider ways to settle the issue in a reasonable manner.

A Japanese university and the electronics firm Fujitsu say they have taken a significant step toward practical quantum computing. Quantum computers are seen as important next-generation tech. Developers are challenged with upscaling quantum bits, or qubits, a central element in quantum computing. Western Japan’s Osaka University and Fujitsu teamed up and established a new calculation method14. They say by using it, quantum computers could perform practical calculations faster than supercomputers without upscaling their qubits as much as thought to be required.

Translator: I think the new method will be able to help accelerate the realization of practical quantum computing.

The team says calculations would be possible using only 60,000 qubits. That’s opposed to the one million qubits that had been thought to be necessary3. They say it’s theoretically possible for a quantum computer to analyze matter called superconductors in only about ten hours compared to around five years by a supercomputer.

Japan’s Economic Security Minister said she will run in the race to take over the reins of the largest opposing party.

Translator: I believe it’s to safeguard territory, water, airspace, and resources. To defend its sovereignty and honor16. In order to achieve this, Japan must strengthen its power, through diplomacy, defense, the economy, information, and technology, and human resources17.

She hopes to become the country’s first female prime minister. The race is set to decide the successor to Fumio Kishida18. Kishida Fumio announced last month he will not be running for the leadership campaign19. The campaign will begin on Thursday, followed by the election on September 27th.

North Korea says the leaders of Russia and China have congratulated North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on the country’s 76th founding anniversary. The ruling Workers Party newspaper, the “Rodong Sinmun” reported that large celebrations were held in central Pyongyang on Sunday on the eve of the anniversary. The paper says Russian President Vladimir Putin’s message made reference to his summit with Kim in June4. Putin wrote that he is sure their joint efforts will strengthen their comprehensive strategic partnership5. The paper says Chinese President Xi Jinping also sent Kim a message6. Xi wrote that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries20. He stressed that Beijing will deepen strategic communication with Pyongyang7. South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency says Xi’s message, the first in eight months, comes as relations cool between North Korea and China in contrast to Pyongyang’s deepening ties with Moscow.

Israeli forces have continued attacks in the Gaza Strip amid uncertainty about ceasefire and hostage release talks with Hamas. The Israeli military said its air force on Sunday struck about 25 Hamas terror targets21. Palestinian media report the strikes killed and wounded multiple people, including children22. Health officials in the enclave say the death toll has climbed to over 40,000 since fighting flared up almost a year ago23. Israel and Hamas this month have suspended fighting at times in some areas to allow children in Gaza to get vaccinated against polio8. The World Health Organization said more than 440,000 children have received their first vaccine24. Meanwhile, the Israeli military says a shooting Sunday at a border crossing between the West Bank and Jordan killed three Israeli civilians15. Israeli news outlets say a Jordanian man arrived in the area in a truck and opened fire before Israeli security forces shot and killed him.

In Gaza, September used to be a time when kids went back to school. But over the last 11 months, they watched bombs reduce their homes and classrooms to rubble25. Most are struggling to survive in temporary shelters, but they’re still hungry to learn, as we see in this next report.

It is time for a check on the world weather with our meteorologist Jonathan Oh. We heard lots about heavy rain continuing to hit different parts of India. What can you tell us about the situation?

Hello. We continue to see heavy rainfall as a big part of the story. We are talking about western portions of India in the past couple of weeks but now a lot of focus is towards the east and south causing problems on the ground. Lots of it, in fact. Look at the video to give you an idea of the situation. Heavy rain caused severe flooding in parts of India, rescuers with boats helped Saturday to evacuate those stranded in their homes. The country’s media are reporting dozens of deaths across the state. And the story does not end there. We’ll see more heavy rains through the eastern portions of India the next couple of days. So that’s going to compound the issues of flooding and mudslide concerns as we go forward in time. Meanwhile, we are seeing all the moisture across the northern portions and spreading to the west. It continuing to bring heavy rainfall. That will continue to be the story as we see the energy continuing to spread towards the west. A separate note across the northern Philippines they’re recovering from the earlier time period, more rain will be part of the story as we go forward the next few days. Looking at the forecast east Asia on Tuesday. Partly cloudy skies with a high of 33 in Manila as we go through the day. Meanwhile, keeping an eye on the system trying to gather near Mexico and the coastal areas of Texas into Louisiana. We are looking at it bringing significant rainfall the next few days that could lead to flooding concerns that can lead to flooding concerns as we go throughout this week. Make sure you’re keeping an eye on this pattern as we go through this week. That’s a look at your forecast. Hope you have a good day wherever you are.

♪ And that is all for this edition of NHK “Newsline.” I’m Yamamoto Miki in Tokyo. Thank you for staying with us.
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