
at 18:00 (JST), September 19 ( CC > Copilot)



Welcome back to NHK Newsline. “Newsline.” I’m Yamaguchi Hiroaki in Tokyo.

We begin in Japan where the Hyogo Prefectural Assembly has passed a no-confidence motion against Governor Saito Motohiko. He will have to decide to leave the assembly or lose his job. 86 prefectural voting members from voting blocs as well as independents have unanimously approved against Saito. He was later found dead of a suspected suicide before he could give official testimony. A survey unearthed more allegations of power harassment dependent Saito, intensifying the calls for him to resign. But so far, he’s refused.

Translator: I will come up with various options to judge what kind of decision I should make in accordance with the rules of the law. It’s an important decision for me and the prefectural government. So I’d like to carefully consider the matter, including the timing.

Now that the motion has passed Saito is expected to lose his election in ten days or he could become the first governor after losing a no-confidence vote.

A Japanese boy who was attacked on his way to a Japanese school in southern China has died. The 10-year-old student was assaulted by a knife-wielding man on Wednesday morning near his school in Shenzhen in the southern province of Guangdong. The boy was on the way to school with his parents. The Japanese Consul General in Guangzhou said early Thursday that the boy had been stabbed in the abdomen and had died at the hospital where he had been receiving treatment. The 44-year-old attacker was apprehended at the scene. His motive remains unknown.

Translator: I’ve been informed that the Japanese school student was attacked by a man in Shenzhen and died early on Thursday. I cannot help but feel deep sorrow, I offer my sincere condolences. This is a despicable crime and a serious matter. When the Chinese side explain the facts. Japanese schools in China have been on high alert and strengthening security measures but shock and anxiety are spreading in the local Japanese community. A former Japanese ambassador to the U.S. said security concerns come first, and he hopes something will be done by the Chinese government.

I do believe those in mainland China must feel they’re not secure enough. At the same time, China market is very big, very important, not only Japan, but the international community. So, something must be done. But if nothing has been done or if something very appropriate is to be done, unfortunately, the trend is going to go for Japanese investors, Japanese traders, Japanese tourists not to do as we have done.

Now, China continues to mount pressure on Taiwan this time through trade. On Wednesday, Beijing announces it will suspend tariff exemptions on some Taiwanese products. The suspension is set to take place September 25th. Several goods ranging from vegetables and marine products will be affected. In response to discriminatory restrictions Taiwan has placed on Chinese products. Another Chinese government body said farmers should recognize that the co-independent stance of Democratic Party is dangerous. It said to only lead to resentment among Taiwan’s farmers. It’s the latest trade clash between the two since he came into office. Beijing said it’s hitting nine companies linked to U.S. defense with sanctions.

Beijing says it is hitting nine companies linked to U.S. defense with sanctions. It’s the latest move by China to get Washington to halt military assistance to Taiwan. China’s foreign ministry announced the measures on Wednesday. It includes a freeze on all properties owned by the firms in China and a ban on all domestic transactions. The Sierra Nevada Corporation is among the affected firms. It specializes in developing aircraft and drone-related technologies. Beijing maintains the countermeasures are in line with China’s anti-foreign sanctions law. China’s foreign ministry says in response to recent steps taken by the U.S. to bolster Taiwan’s defense capabilities. Earlier this year, the White House announced a plan to sell arms, including suicide drones, to Taiwan. And on Monday, it approved a potential deal to maintain Taiwan military equipment for roughly $228 million. Beijing, which insists on the One China principle, says the deals undermine its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

North Korea has released new details about Wednesday’s missile launches. State-run media said the country has successfully test-fired a ballistic missile carrying a massive warhead. The Korean Central News Agency reported on Thursday that leader Kim Jong-un oversaw the launch. It said the ballistic missile, dubbed the Hwasong-11 was mounted with a 4.5-ton super-large conventional warhead. Pyongyang said it tested the Hwasong-11 back in July, the news as saying Wednesday’s test worked to verify its explosive power. It quoted Kim saying the test was in response to the grave threat of outside forces. The recent launches come as Pyongyang moves to expand its weapons program amid what it sees as heightened military activity by the U.S. and South Korea.

2 1/2 years have passed since Russia invaded Ukraine. The conflict continues to escalate with Ukraine recently entering Russian territory. Now, a Ukrainian living in Japan is taking steps to shed light on the painful reality of war in her homeland. NHK World reports from Tokyo.

Reporter: Nazar Hraber a Ukrainian and his sister Maria are visiting Tokyo. They’re invited to visit, to a Ukrainian living in Japan.

Please enjoy Ukrainian culture and souvenirs and tell people around you how beautiful Ukraine is.

Hi, everyone.

Reporter: However, what they most want to share with people in Japan are the war experiences of Nazar and Maria.

Translator: At this very moment people are dying in Ukraine.

Translator: Ukrainian children don’t know anything other than war.

Reporter: These two lost their father and Maria’s husband in this war. Ilya was a musician and volunteer when war broke out. After receiving immediate training he went from one front line to another. [ Applause ] Ilya and Maria married 2022, just five months before he was killed in a Russian underground explosion. Nazar also fought as a soldier and was badly injured in the shoulder and the chest. The grief of losing his brother pushed him to the edge. Nazar and Maria share their impassioned message with their audience in Tokyo.

Translator: When our troops were in the trenches, the Russian military approached from various directions. We couldn’t escape. Many of our friends have been injured or lost their lives. Our generation is coming to an end. It’s hard for me to be one of those still alive.

Reporter: The pair are urging people to support their new organization for Ukrainian children founded in honor of Ilya.

Translator: My husband wanted to have children, but he lost his life for his country before we could have any. Our goal is to allow all the children in Ukraine to have a normal childhood.

Translator: I was very shocked. I was filled with emotion when I heard their words.

Translator: It isn’t easy to understand what is happening unless you are involved. More people can hear these stories.

When you can hear anxiety from someone so close to you, two or three meters on stage, then you can understand these are real people. You want to build a bridge between people, to make it friendly, simple and more long-lasting.

Reporter: Katkaterina now tries to raise awareness by holding more events in Japan to Ukraine. NHK World.

It’s time to check the weather.

Solely brought heavy downpours to China and it’s now moving to street e ing toing to that’s over 100 kilometers per hour and the waves as high as 5 meters are likely. In addition, over 500 millimeters of rain is possible in central Vietnam by Friday. In Asia, heat is still a concern in many cities. The temperature will be 39. People in Tokyo will have another day of record heat with high of 36. It will be the latest day of year for the temperature to go that high.

In Europe, you can see a circulating low pressure system over Italy which has treated indoor weather conditions. We have some video. The storm moved south, bringing severe weather to the country on Wednesday. Some areas received more than 100 millimeters of rain in a short period of time, causing widespread flooding and landslides. More than 80 rescues have been carried out by firefighters. Officials issued alerts for flooding north. The system is moving slowly, so the same conditions are expected to continue on Thursday. There are risk of thunder showers, fast moving winds and even tornadoes.

That’s it for me. Stay safe.


That concludes this edition of NHK “Newsline.” I’m Yamaguchi Hiroaki in Tokyo. Thanks for watching.

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