
at 18:00 (JST), May 09


Key words : shared future

China's President Xi charts 'shared future' with Serbia

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic have agreed to enhance their cooperation to build a "shared future."

Xi met with Vucic on Wednesday in the Serbian capital Belgrade. It is Xi's second stop in his tour of European nations.

The two leaders signed agreements promoting economic cooperation and personnel exchanges.

Xi expressed support for Serbia over its position on Kosovo, which declared independence from Serbia in 2008. He said he backs Serbia's efforts to safeguard its territorial integrity.

Vucic supported the Chinese position that views Taiwan as part of China.

Xi arrived on a symbolic date -- the 25th anniversary of NATO's accidental bombing of the Chinese embassy in the former Yugoslavia. US forces led the coalition that carried out the campaign.

Xi wrote an article published in a Serbian daily saying the Chinese people will "never allow such tragic history to repeat itself."

Key words : us navy

US Navy destroyer transits through Taiwan Strait

The US Navy has announced that one of its destroyers has transited the Taiwan Strait, drawing protest from China.

The US 7th Fleet said the guided-missile destroyer USS Halsey conducted a transit through the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday.

The US Navy has been performing such transits regularly as China strengthens military pressure on Taiwan.

The navy said the move "demonstrates the United States' commitment to upholding freedom of navigation for all nations."

A spokesperson for the Chinese military's Eastern Theater Command issued a statement saying its maritime and air forces surveilled the entire transit and remained on alert.

It pledged to safeguard China's sovereignty as well as regional peace and stability.

Taiwan is set to inaugurate Lai Ching-te as its new president on May 20. China sees him as a separatist.

Key words : hong kong ban protest song

Hong Kong appeals court bans protest song

An appeals court in Hong Kong has approved a government request to ban a popular protest song, but with the exception of a few activities.

The court on Wednesday overturned an earlier ruling on "Glory to Hong Kong" that was sung at mass demonstrations across the territory five years ago.

In June last year, the Hong Kong government filed for a court injunction to ban the song, including its performances, saying some of the lyrics incite secession.

But a court rejected its bid the following month, stressing the importance of freedom of expression.

The government appealed the verdict.
The appeals court noted that if the situation is left as it is, any further damage to national security would likely be irreparable.

It ordered a ban on performances of the song and its dissemination online among other acts with the intention of inciting secession and provoking hatred toward the government.

But the court said the use of the song's performance will be allowed for academic and journalistic activities in consideration of freedom of expression.

The song has been mistakenly played at international sporting events outside the territory, instead of the Chinese anthem, "March of the Volunteers," upsetting the Hong Kong government.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian expressed support for the verdict on Wednesday.

He said stopping anyone from using and disseminating the song is a legitimate and necessary measure for Hong Kong to fulfill its constitutional responsibility of safeguarding national security and the dignity of the national anthem.

Key words : yoon news conference

South Korean president focuses on promoting bilateral ties with Japan

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on Thursday stressed his intention to continue promoting better relations with Japan.

Yoon referred to bilateral ties at news conference held a day before he marks two years in office.

He said the two countries should endure what must be endured and move forward in the right direction while at the same time recognizing that various pending issues and history could pose obstacles.

Yoon said he and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio share a sense of mutual trust and a desire to improve bilateral ties.

South Korea's opposition retained its majority in last month's general election. Some have said this could lead to stronger calls in parliament to revise the country's policy toward Japan.

Yoon also said South Korea's low fertility rate could be considered a national emergency and announced plans to create a new ministry to tackle the issue.

The presidential news conference was the first to be held by Yoon since August 2022 when he marked his first 100 days in office.

Some observers have attributed the ruling party's crushing defeat last month to Yoon's arbitrary style of governance.

Yoon likely viewed Thursday's news conference as an opportunity to present his government's plans to a wide public audience.

Key words : Biden arm

Biden: Major Rafah invasion would halt US arms supplies

US President Joe Biden says he will halt some shipments of weapons to Israel if the country conducts a major invasion of Rafah in the Gaza Strip's south. This comes as his defense secretary says Washington has already paused a shipment of bombs due to the concerns over a possible invasion.

Biden made the remark in an interview with CNN on Wednesday.

It was the first time Biden referred to a halt in the supply of weapons since the conflict between Israel and Hamas began last October.

Secretary Lloyd Austin testified before members of a Senate committee. He reassured them about the commitment to Israel's security, although he said officials in the Biden administration are "reviewing" the assistance in relation to "unfolding events" in Gaza.

Austin said, "Israel shouldn't launch a major attack in Rafah without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space."

He also said officials have not made a "final determination" on how to proceed with the shipment.

An Israeli military spokesperson addressed the issue at a conference.

He said US support since the conflict with Hamas began has been at an "unprecedented scale."

He added any "disputes" are resolved "behind closed doors."

Negotiators from Israel and Hamas are weighing the latest proposals for a ceasefire while tracking the fighting in and around Rafah, a city home to many evacuees.

Israeli forces seized control of a crossing essential for the delivery of humanitarian aid -- and have kept it closed.

Those troops say they have reopened another crossing to allow supplies into Gaza.

Still, US diplomats say the flow of aid is "unacceptable." And they want to see a "dramatic change."

Key words : Biden criticism

Biden: US will halt weapons shipments if Israeli forces go into Rafah

US President Joe Biden says he will halt shipments of American weapons to Israel if Israeli forces launch a ground offensive in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

Biden noted in an interview with CNN on Wednesday that civilians have been killed in Gaza by bombs and other weapons provided by the US.

He said, "I'm not supplying the weapons" if Israeli forces go into Rafah, adding he has made that clear to the Israeli side.

This is the first time Biden has publicly referred to a halt in weapons supply to Israel since the Israel-Hamas war began last October.

Biden apparently wants to step up pressure on Israel, and also deflect international and domestic criticism over continued US military support for the country amid a surge in civilian casualties.

On the other hand, Biden stressed the US remains committed to Israel's defense.

He said: "We're not walking away from Israel's security. We're walking away from Israel's ability to wage war in those areas."

Key words : protest cambridge

Students at more than 10 UK universities protest against Israel

Protests against Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip have been staged at more than 10 British universities as campus demonstrations continue in the United States, with scores of protesters arrested.

Students and staff at Cambridge University have set up an encampment of nearly 50 tents.

The protesters are demanding that the university stop investing in companies that supply arms to Israel. They also say it should not accept research funding from such firms.

A student said their aim is to make sure their tuition fees are not being used for something they do not agree with. He added the protests will continue until the university listens to their demands.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday that there has been an "unacceptable rise" in antisemitism on campuses.

Sunak is expected to call on university vice-chancellors to take a robust approach to unacceptable behavior in a meeting at the prime minister's office on Thursday.

Key words : britain russia attache

Britain to expel Russian defense attache as 'undeclared spy'

Britain says it will expel Russia's defense attache from the country, claiming the person is an undeclared intelligence officer.

The British government announced on Wednesday that the move is part of steps against what it said is "malign activity" in the UK by Russia.

The government also said it will remove diplomatic premises status from several Russian properties in the country. It said they are believed to have been used for intelligence purposes.

Another measure is to cap the length of time Russian diplomats can spend in Britain.

Home Secretary James Cleverly said the government is "taking action to send a strong deterrence message to Russia and to further reduce the ability" of the country's intelligence agency.

In Britain, six Bulgarian nationals were charged since last year over espionage for Russia. The UK government attributes a number of cyberattacks targeting British parliamentarians and others in recent years to Russia.

Britain expelled 23 Russian diplomats after the attempted murder of a former Russian spy in the country in 2018. Some Western and other countries followed suit. In response, Russia ousted diplomats from those countries.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in an online statement on Wednesday that Moscow has warned it will respond to unfriendly actions. She added the response will be tough.

Key words : figure skating uno

Japanese figure skater Uno Shoma retires from competition

Japanese figure skater and Olympic medalist Uno Shoma has announced his retirement from competition.

The 26-year-old made the announcement on Instagram on Thursday. He won a silver medal in the men's singles in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics and took bronze in the 2022 Beijing Games. He also won two world championships in a row in 2022 and 2023.

In the message, Uno expressed his gratitude for people who have supported him as a competitor until today.

Uno wrote that he started figure skating at the age of five and has continued in the sport for 21 years. He said he is very grateful for having had a wonderful athletic career.

Uno said he will hold a news conference next Tuesday, May 14, to talk about his thoughts and future plans.

Uno is from Aichi Prefecture, central Japan. He tried performing difficult jumps from an early stage in his career and stood out in international junior competitions.

Key words : world weather Jonathan Oh

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