
at 18:00 (JST), May 17


Key words : north launched multiple

S.Korea: Pyongyang launched 'multiple' missiles toward Sea of Japan

The South Korean military says that North Korea launched multiple short-range ballistic missiles toward the Sea of Japan on Friday afternoon. Meanwhile, Japan's top government spokesperson says there's no indication a missile has fallen inside Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone.

Hayashi Yoshimasa said he acknowledges the South Korean announcement. He also said the government has not received any information from relevant organizations concerning damage.

He added the government will continue gathering and analyzing information while working closely with the United States and South Korea.

North Korea most recently fired at least one ballistic missile on April 22nd. North Korean media said the next day the country had conducted firing drills involving what it called "super-large rocket launchers".

Key words : economic ties expo

Putin to visit bilateral trade expo in China in show of growing economic ties

Russia's President Vladimir Putin arrived in Harbin in northeastern China on Friday to attend a trade expo organized by the two governments.

The city of Harbin is in Heilongjiang Province, which shares a border with Russia and has strong ties with Moscow. Chinese government officials say more than 1,400 companies will participate.

Putin apparently intends to highlight the growing economic ties between Russia and China by attending the expo featuring businesses from both countries.

Russia is rapidly expanding trade with China as Western and other countries have imposed sanctions since the invasion of Ukraine began in 2022. The volume of trade between Russia and China reached a record 240 billion dollars last year.

Putin is visiting Harbin on the second day of his official visit to China. This is his first overseas trip since he began his fifth term in office.

Putin held summit talks with President Xi Jinping in Beijing on Thursday. The joint statement signed by the two leaders includes the bolstering of trade and investment.

Key words : putin speech university

Putin, Xi sign joint statement encompassing further military cooperation

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping have signed a joint statement which includes plans to advance bilateral military cooperation.

The Russian leader held summit talks with Xi in Beijing on Thursday during his official visit to China -- his first foreign trip since he started his fifth term earlier this month.

In the statement, Russia welcomes China's readiness to play a constructive role in the political and diplomatic resolution of the Ukraine crisis.

It also includes plans to expand the scale of joint military drills by Russia and China as part of the deepening of their military cooperation.

The two leaders later held unofficial talks with only interpreters present, taking a walk together and having tea.

Russia's state-run media reports that they also exchanged opinions over dinner with four major officials from both sides, including Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Defense Minister Andrei Belousov.

The two countries reportedly held the unofficial talks for more than 4 hours. This suggests they are strengthening bilateral relations with an eye on Western countries, which are at odds with Russia and China over the situations in Ukraine and East Asia.

The Russian presidential office says that Putin will visit a memorial for former Soviet soldiers in the Chinese northeastern city of Harbin on Friday. It says he will also deliver a speech at a local university.

Key words : commentator Amma Hideo

What Putin's Beijing trip reveals about the Russia-China relationship

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping have hailed their strong relationship at meetings in Beijing. But there are signs the leaders are not fully unified on all fronts. NHK World's Amma Hideo provides analysis.

Key words : joint statement release

Japan protests Putin-Xi joint statement on treated water from Fukushima plant

Japan has lodged a protest with China and Russia over how a joint statement by the two countries' leaders refers to treated and diluted water released into the ocean from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

The statement signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday described the water as "nuclear contaminated" and expressed serious concerns. The two leaders held summit talks in Beijing on the day.

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Yoshimasa told reporters on Friday that the two countries' inaccurate reference about the release of the treated and diluted water is very regrettable.

He said the Japanese government lodged a protest with both Chinese and Russian sides through diplomatic channels immediately after the release of the document.

Hayashi said the water discharge is consistent with international safety standards, and Japan is disclosing relevant monitoring data swiftly and with a high degree of transparency.

He added that such efforts have gained understanding and support widely from the international community. He said the government will continue to explain Japan's efforts and disclose monitoring data to China and Russia thoroughly and with transparency.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant suffered a triple meltdown following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Water used to cool molten fuel at the plant has been mixing with rain and groundwater.

The accumulated water is treated to remove most radioactive substances, but still contains tritium.

Before releasing the treated water into the ocean, the plant's operator dilutes it to reduce tritium levels to about one-seventh of the World Health Organization's guidance level for drinking water.

Key words : self-defense chinese military

Japan SDF members welcome Chinese counterparts in Tokyo ceremony

Chinese military officers were welcomed in Tokyo on Thursday by their counterparts in the Japan Self-Defense Forces as part of an exchange visit.

The program, organized by Japan's Sasakawa Peace Foundation, began about 20 years ago to facilitate mutual understanding for officers in both nations. A group of SDF members visited China in 2023.

A delegation of 20 Chinese officers arrived in Japan on Tuesday, the first visit of its kind in five years. The group attended a welcome event at a hotel in Tokyo on Thursday.

Chinese army Major General Zhang Baoqun said that he was very glad to pay a friendly visit to Japan.

He added that he wanted to listen to views on China and talk about his impressions of Japan. He said he hoped both sides could deepen mutual understanding and think about bilateral ties together.

Japanese and Chinese participants in the gathering, including SDF officers, discussed their careers. They had exchanged opinions about bilateral issues on Wednesday.

The Chinese delegation is scheduled to visit SDF facilities during their stay in Japan through Monday.

Key words : slovakian political anger

Slovak minister: Shooting was politically motivated assassination try

Slovakia's Interior Minister has said the shooting of Prime Minister Robert Fico on Wednesday was a politically motivated assassination attempt.

Slovakian ministers held a press conference on Thursday following the incident. Defense Minister Robert Kalinak said the medical team managed to stabilize Fico, but that he is still not out of danger.

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok said the suspect stated that it was an assassination attempt based on political motives. Among these were the reduction in assistance to Ukraine for its fight against the Russian invasion, he added.

The interior minister also said the suspect was against the abolishment of the special prosecutor's office and changes in handling the media. The special prosecutor conducts corruption investigations, and the new media handling is regarded by critics as tightened control.

The shooting occurred in Handlova in central Slovakia, where Fico was visiting to attend a government meeting.

He was shot as he was walking toward a crowd of local residents after the meeting. Fico was taken to hospital by helicopter and the suspect was detained at the scene.

Key words : world weather Yuumi Hirano

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