
at 18:00 (JST), May 22


Key words : seven others attendee

Funeral service for Iran's President Raisi set to start in Tehran

A funeral ceremony for Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and seven others who recently perished in a helicopter crash will begin Wednesday morning in Iran's capital Tehran. Foreign dignitaries will be among the attendees.

The fatal accident occurred in the northwestern Iranian province of East Azerbaijan on Sunday. All eight people aboard -- including Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian -- died.

Preceding funeral events took place on Tuesday in central Iran's holy Shiite Muslim city of Qom and elsewhere.

The coffins of Raisi and other officials are now in a central Tehran mosque, where people have gathered to mourn.

Attendees will reportedly include Russian Parliament's Lower House Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, who is a close aide to President Vladimir Putin. Russia and Iran have been strengthening bilateral ties.

Local media say the prime minister of neighboring Iraq and the foreign minister of Turkey are also expected to attend the funeral.

After the fatal accident, people posted tributes to Raisi on social media as well as comments critical of him due to his harsh repression of anti-government protests.

The media say Iranian authorities are now stepping up their crackdown on the spread of fake or insulting information online.

Observers say if political instability occurs in Iran it could impact the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip as Iran has long been a supporter of the Islamic group Hamas.

Key words : iran social media criticism

Iran holding funeral ceremonies for late President Raisi

Iran is planning to hold a massive funeral ceremony for the late President Ebrahim Raisi and others in the capital Tehran on Wednesday. Key political figures from other countries are expected to attend.

Raisi died on Sunday in a helicopter crash that killed all eight people aboard including Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian.

A series of funeral events began on Tuesday. A procession took place in the holy Shiite Muslim city of Qom, central Iran. Crowds filling the main street payed their respects.

Local media say key government officials from neighboring Iraq and Turkey will attend the ceremony in the capital on Wednesday.

Russia says its parliament's Lower House Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin will lead the country's delegation to the ceremony. Russia and Iran have been strengthening their relations as both countries have a confrontation with the West.

The Iranian government also fears that Raisi's death could trigger criticism of the government. Raisi had a reputation, at home and abroad, for human rights abuse with his harsh repression of anti-government protests as president.

Following the accident, critical messages have been posted on social media along with tributes to Raisi. The Iranian Student's News Agency reported on Monday that the head of the prosecutor's office had instructed prosecutors to crack down on acts of spreading fake or insulting information online.

Key words : chief prosecutor defense minister

ICC prosecutor seeking Israeli and Hamas leaders' arrests

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court says people on both sides of the conflict in Gaza "bear criminal responsibility" for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Karim Khan is requesting arrest warrants for five men, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas' leader in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Sinwar .

Khan issued a statement on Monday from the court in The Hague, saying Israeli leaders are using starvation as a "method of warfare" and "intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population." Khan has also applied for an arrest warrant for Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Khan wrote that Hamas leaders Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, and Mohammad Deif "planned and instigated" the attacks in October 7 on Israeli villages. He wrote that they are responsible for the killing of hundreds of citizens and the taking of at least 245 hostages. "We underline in the clearest possible fashion that international law and the laws of armed conflict apply to everyone," he said. "No foot soldier, no commander, no civilian leader - no one - can act with impunity."

Netanyahu labeled Khan's announcement a "disgrace."
He said comparing Israel and the "henchmen of Hamas" is a "travesty of justice."

Hamas officials released a statement saying they "strongly" denounce Khan's attempt to equate the "victim" with the "executioner." They demanded that he cancel all arrest warrants for their leaders.

A panel of judges will determine whether the evidence supports the issuing of warrants, a process that can take months.

Key words : icc blinken

Blinken denounces ICC request for arrest warrants

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has denounced the decision by the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor to seek arrest warrants over the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The ICC chief prosecutor said on Monday that he is requesting arrest warrants for five people, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas' leader in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Sinwar, for alleged war crimes and other offenses.

Blinken testified at a Senate hearing on Tuesday.

He said the ICC prosecutor's decision is "totally wrongheaded" on many levels, and that the implied equivalence between Hamas and the leadership of Israel is "shameful."

Blinken said, "We have to look at the appropriate steps to take to deal with" the ICC's decision.

US President Joe Biden on Monday reiterated his support for Israel. He said the ICC's application for arrest warrants is "outrageous."

The US is not a member of the ICC.

Former US President Donald Trump's administration imposed sanctions on the court's then-chief prosecutor for authorizing an investigation into US soldiers' activities in Afghanistan.

The Biden administration lifted the sanctions.

Key words : refugee suspended distribution

UNRWA says food distribution in Rafah suspended

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees, or UNRWA, says that food distribution in Gaza's southern city of Rafah is currently suspended due to a lack of supplies and safety concerns.

UNRWA said on social media on Tuesday its distribution center and the World Food Programme's warehouse in Rafah are now inaccessible as a result of the ongoing military operation in eastern parts of the area.

It points out that the current Israeli military operation is directly impacting the ability of aid agencies to deliver critical humanitarian supplies.

Many people have already been forced to flee Rafah to other places in Gaza, but Israeli media quoted the military as saying that there are still an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 civilians in Rafah.

The Israeli military has been continuing its attack on Hamas in Rafah. It announced on Tuesday that its soldiers eliminated dozens of terrorists in eastern Rafah who tried to approach Israeli forces.

Concerns are rising about a prolonged impact on aid activities and a further deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Rafah, as Israel plans to expand its military operations in the area.

Key words : wang denounced

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi denounces Taiwan's new president by name

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has denounced Taiwan's new President Lai Ching-te by name a day after his inauguration.

China's foreign ministry says Wang announced China's stance on the Taiwan issue at a foreign ministers meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Kazakhstan on Tuesday.

Wang is cited as saying that Taiwan is the core of core issues for China, and that independence activities are the most destructive factor for peace in the Taiwan Strait.

He condemned Lai for betraying the nation and their ancestors and called his acts disgraceful.

China labels Lai a separatist, and has rejected talks with him so far as he refuses to accept Beijing's "one-China Principle."

On Tuesday, the Chinese foreign ministry announced sanctions on former US lawmaker Mike Gallagher, who chaired the House of Representatives select committee on China. Gallagher is known for his hardline stance against China. He visited Taiwan in February and met with Lai. Beijing said he interfered in China's internal affairs. The sanctions include freezing his assets in the country.

China also reacted sharply against US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's statement congratulating Lai's inauguration.

Key words : european union hungary

Hungarian foreign minister talks China ahead of EU Council presidency

Hungary is heading into the presidency of the Council of the European Union with a different approach to China compared to other members of the bloc. In an interview with NHK, Hungary's foreign minister explains why Budapest is growing its ties with Beijing.

Key words : chinese citizen

Chinese citizen journalist jailed for COVID reporting released

A Chinese citizen journalist jailed for covering the coronavirus outbreak in the city of Wuhan has been released after serving her sentence.

In 2020, Zhang Zhan, a former lawyer from Shanghai, traveled to Wuhan, which is located in China's Hubei Province. She posted online firsthand accounts of citizens, including those who were being forced to live tough lives. She also shared reports about the authorities' responses to the outbreak.

But she was detained by the authorities for spreading false information. A court sentenced Zhang to four years in prison for disrupting public order.

The ruling sparked international criticism. The US government released a statement strongly condemning the court's decision.

Zhang finished serving her sentence on May 13. In a video released by her supporters on Tuesday, she expressed her appreciation for the support and consideration she has received from people.

Her supporters say she is staying with her family, but that she has only limited freedom. The comment has led to speculation that she is still being surveilled by the authorities.

Key words : preparation underway

Japan, China, South Korea prepare for next week's summit

Preparations are underway for a summit meeting among the leaders of Japan, China and South Korea next week. Government staff aim to produce a document based on the outcome of discussions in several areas.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, Chinese Premier Li Qiang and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol are scheduled to meet in Seoul on May 26 and 27.

Japanese government sources say the leaders are expected to share the view that it is important to work toward the region's peace and stability in a future-oriented way.

They say arrangements are underway for the leaders to confirm that their countries will step up cooperation in areas discussed by their foreign ministers in November last year. The areas include economy, trade, human exchanges, security and public health including responses to infectious diseases.

The staff are working hard to figure out how the leaders will be able to reach consensus on resuming talks for a trilateral free trade agreement. Negotiations on the issue have been stalled since 2019.

The sources say the outcome document may include wording that the three countries will make efforts to hold a trilateral summit on a regular basis to strengthen relations. The summit has not been held for the past four and a half years.

Japan also hopes to call for cooperation in responding to North Korean abduction, nuclear and missile issues.

Key words : researchers kyoto treatment

Kyoto University researchers mass-generate cells capable of becoming human eggs

Researchers at Japan's Kyoto University have developed a way to use human iPS cells to mass-generate cells capable of turning into human eggs.

A group led by Professor Saitou Mitinori of Kyoto University's Institute for Advanced Study found a method to create base cells for reproductive cells from human iPS cells, and then change them into oogonia, which develop into ova.

The problem was that the amount of oogonia produced was too small.

When the researchers added a protein called BMP in culturing the base cells, they succeeded in producing huge amounts of oogonia.

The oogonia reportedly multiplied about ten billion-fold over roughly four months.

The group says it also successfully mass-generated, by the same methods, cells that develop into sperm.

Saitou said his team aims to apply the method to medical care, such as infertility treatment.

Key words : weather Jonathan Oh

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