
at 18:00 (JST), May 10


Key words : Kishida aim north

Prime Minister Kishida says he aims to realize summit talks with N.Korea

Prime Minister Kishida Fumio says he aims to hold a summit meeting with North Korea with support from the United States and the international community.

Kishida made the comment on Friday in a meeting in Tokyo with a group of the relatives of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea.

The group recently visited the United States, and met with high-ranking US government officials and members of both chambers of Congress to ask for their support to solve the abduction issue as soon as possible.

The group included its leader Yokota Takuya, whose sister Megumi was abducted in 1977 at the age of 13, and Iizuka Koichiro, whose mother Taguchi Yaeko was abducted when he was one-year-old.

The relatives told Kishida that the US officials said they would bring up the abduction issue at every opportunity.

Kishida said that when he visited the United States last month, President Joe Biden expressed strong support for efforts to solve the issue.

The prime minister told the relatives that he will step up calls on North Korea to hold a summit with help and understanding from the United States. He said that the government will work with the international community to continue high-level talks to realize a Japan-North Korea summit.

After the meeting, Yokota told reporters that the group is demanding the immediate return of all abductees. He said the group does not want the government to make concessions on the demand, and wants it to maintain strong negotiations with North Korea.

Key words : diet passed a bill

Law to create Japanese security clearance system enacted

Japan's Diet has passed a bill to set up a system for controlling access to information deemed critical to the country's economic security.

The bill was enacted in an Upper House plenary session on Friday.

The system applies to data that can pose risks to national security if leaked.

The information will be classified, with access limited to people with government clearance, including employees of private-sector companies.

The bill had been revised in the Lower House through consultation by the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party, its coalition partner Komeito and three opposition parties.

The new law requires the government to report to the Diet every year how it applies the system to conduct security clearance checks. Such reports should also cover classified information designation and removal.

The legislation stipulates that information be classified based on operational criteria.

The government plans to set up an expert panel to discuss the criteria.

Key words : Kishida peace process

Japan PM Kishida planning to attend Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland

Japan's Prime Minister Kishida Fumio is planning to attend an international conference in Switzerland next month to discuss a peace process for Ukraine, according to government sources.

Kishida is expected to pledge Japan's continued support for Ukraine and confirm the unity of countries hoping to realize peace.

The Swiss government announced earlier this month that it will hold the Summit on Peace in Ukraine at the Burgenstock resort on June 15 and 16, amid Russia's prolonged invasion of Ukraine.

It said attendees will discuss a peace plan advocated by Ukraine and other proposals. Kyiv has put forward a 10-point peace formula that includes the withdrawal of Russian troops and the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity.

The Swiss government said it had invited more than 160 delegations from around the world.

Japanese government sources say Kishida is planning to visit the Burgenstock resort in response to the invitation.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Yoshimasa said on Thursday that the conference is important for the international community to show its support for Ukraine's efforts toward fair and lasting peace.

At the meeting, Kishida is expected to stress Japan's unwavering commitments to aiding Ukraine and maintaining sanctions against Russia.

Prior to his visit to Switzerland, Kishida is planning to attend the Group of Seven summit slated to open in Italy on June 13.

Key words : lower house sexual

Japan's lawmakers debate sex offender screening bill

The Lower House of Japan's Diet has started deliberating a bill to set up a system that would enable operators of facilities for children to check if job applicants have committed sexual offenses.

The deliberations on the Japanese version of Britain's Disclosure and Barring Service began at a Lower House plenary session on Thursday.

Children's Policy Minister Kato Ayuko vowed to ensure the proper management of information and called for the bill's early enactment.

The bill requires operators of schools, day nurseries and other institutions to access the records of sex offenders held by the Justice Ministry through the Agency for Children and Families to check if potential employees have committed sexual crimes.

The records would be accessible for up to 20 years after offenders serve their sentences.

A lawmaker of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party said it is important to give top priority to protecting children from sex crimes, but criminal records contain strictly confidential information. He pointed out that the proposed system involves important Constitutional values such as the freedom to choose jobs and privacy.

In response, Kato said sexual violence has a harmful impact that is difficult to recover from and the most important thing is to protect children's dignity. She said operating a system to confirm criminal records will require strict information management. Kato said she will consider drawing up guidelines for implementing the system and will work to make it widely known.

A Lower House special committee also began debating the bill after the plenary session.

Key words : taiwan 11 entered

Taiwan says 11 China ships enter waters near Kinmen Islands

Taiwan says 11 Chinese government ships have entered waters near the Kinmen Islands. Taiwan effectively controls the islands and designates waters around them as "restricted" and "prohibited." It bars Chinese vessels from sailing into these waters without permission.

Taiwan's coast guard says seven Chinese government vessels, including maritime affairs and fisheries ships, intruded into the restricted waters at around 3 p.m. on Thursday.

It says four China Coast Guard vessels sailed into prohibited and restricted waters at around the same time.

Taiwan's coast guard says the 11 Chinese ships stayed in the waters for about 90 minutes, despite its patrol boats warning them to leave.

It says this marks the fourth time in May that China Coast Guard ships have sailed in formation into the area. It adds that this is the first time China Coast Guard ships have been joined by vessels of other government agencies in entering the waters.

In February, two Chinese fishers died after their boat capsized while being pursued by Taiwan's coast guard in the waters near the Kinmen Islands. China responded by saying there are no prohibited or restricted waters.

Analysts say China is trying to ratchet up pressure on Taiwan's Lai Ching-te administration, set to take office on May 20.

Key words : unauthorized drone

Japan Defense Ministry says video of apparent SDF destroyer likely authentic

Japan's Defense Ministry has confirmed that a video of an apparent Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer that seems to have been taken by an unauthorized drone is likely real.

The video was posted on a Chinese video-sharing website in March. It appears to show the destroyer Izumo docked at the MSDF base in Yokosuka City, south of Tokyo.

The ministry said on Thursday that the video was likely authentic. It said its analysts had examined the shape of the vessel and the number on its deck, as well as the surrounding area, including vegetation.

Unauthorized flights of unmanned aerial vehicles near and over SDF bases are banned by law.

The ministry refused to clarify whether the suspected drone flight had been detected. It cited concerns that revealing such information could compromise the SDF's security capabilities.

The ministry pledged to do everything it can to enhance its security capabilities, including the early introduction of more advanced equipment that can detect drones.

Takushoku University Professor Sato Heigo is well-versed in drone operations and other matters. He says it is shocking that a drone could intrude into a vital SDF facility near a US military base and take video of the destroyer.

Sato says the ministry needs to take the incident very seriously, as it means drones fitted with bombs or other weapons could launch attacks.

The video was later uploaded to X, previously known as Twitter. A video of another vessel was posted to the same account on Wednesday.

The new video shows a bird's-eye view of a large ship with its bridge bearing the number 76. The identification number is that of the US Navy's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.

The video suggests maintenance work is underway, as people are seen moving about the deck. There also appear to be green nets covering the edge of a square in the center of the deck and parts of the bridge.

Key words : xi hungary investment

China, Hungary leaders agree to step up bilateral relations

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban have agreed to further strengthen bilateral relations through China's Belt and Road initiative.

Xi met with Orban on Thursday in Hungary, the final stop on his European tour after France and Serbia.

Hungary places importance on its ties with China. While the European Union is seeking to "de-risk" its relations with Beijing by reducing excessive economic reliance, EU member Hungary is stepping up economic ties with China.

China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported that Xi called the state of the China-Hungary relationship "at its best in history."

The report also cited Xi as saying that the two sides should "inject new and strong impetus into bilateral cooperation."

The two leaders reportedly agreed to proceed with the construction of a railway connecting Hungary and Serbia under the Belt and Road initiative. They also affirmed that the two nations will enhance ties through investments by Chinese companies.

After the meeting, Orban told reporters that the world is now multipolar, and that one of the pillars of this new world order is China.

The prime minister also expressed a willingness to expand cooperation with China to the field of nuclear power generation.

Hungary is scheduled to hold the rotating presidency of the EU in the latter half of this year.

Observers say Xi is trying to drive a wedge between EU members by solidifying ties with Budapest.

Key words : netanyahu no amount

Netanyahu vows to press ahead with operation in Rafah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says "no amount of pressure" will stop Israelis from defending themselves. He made the comments in the wake of US President Joe Biden's decision to hold back on ammunition shipments to his country. He said on Thursday that if Israel must "stand alone," it will do so.

Netanyahu has seen his forces use up more of their arsenal as they bombard parts of the city of Rafah. He said that, if they have to, they will fight with their "fingernails."

Israeli negotiators have pulled out of ceasefire talks in Cairo. The leaders of Hamas released a statement on Thursday saying their delegates have also left. They said the invasion of Rafah "aims to block the efforts of the mediators."

White House national security spokesperson John Kirby warned a major ground operation "would actually strengthen" Hamas at the negotiating table. He added that the US is working with the Israelis to develop alternative approaches to eliminating threats instead of "smashing into Rafah."

Key words : weather Jonathan Oh

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