
at 18:00 (JST), July 15


Key words : trump arrived one day after

Trump arrives in Milwaukee for GOP convention

Former US President Donald Trump has arrived in Wisconsin for the Republican National Convention, one day after he survived an assassination attempt.

He is set to be officially nominated as the Republican candidate in the convention that kicks off Monday in Milwaukee.

Trump was wounded in the right ear in a shooting shortly after he took the stage at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. One person in the crowd was killed, and two others were seriously injured. Secret Service agents killed the suspected gunman.

The FBI has named him as Thomas Crooks, a 20-year-old Pennsylvania resident. They are investigating his motives.

Crooks was apparently registered as a Republican voter and graduated from high school in Pennsylvania. ABC News reported the rifle he used was legally purchased by his father. It also said investigators believe Crooks was acting alone.

US media quoted law enforcement officials as saying bomb-making materials were later found in the suspect's vehicle and home.

President Joe Biden called for unity in a televised address on Sunday.

He said: "I want to speak to you tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics. Do remember, though we may disagree, we are not enemies. We're neighbors. We're friends, co-workers, citizens. And most importantly, we are fellow Americans. We must stand together."

Biden said he spoke with Trump and is grateful he was not seriously injured.

He added there is no place for this kind of violence in America, and that it cannot be normalized.

Key words : police agency

Japan's police agency calls for stricter security around speech venues

Japan's National Police Agency has instructed prefectural police headquarters across the country to strengthen security around venues when dignitaries make appearances.

The instruction comes after former US President Donald Trump was shot and injured at a campaign rally in the eastern US state of Pennsylvania on Saturday.

US media outlets have reported that the suspect had fired from the rooftop of a factory building outside the venue, around 120 to 150 meters away from Trump.

Japan's police agency on Sunday called on prefectural police to ensure security in and outside such venues and to utilize materials and equipment such as bulletproof walls and shelters.

Japanese police have tightened security measures for high-level officials after former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo was fatally shot while delivering a campaign speech in July 2022.

Last April, an explosive device was thrown toward current Prime Minister Kishida Fumio during a campaign event. He was unhurt.

The measures include carrying out baggage checks, security checks using metal detectors, and maintaining a certain distance between the speaker and the audience.

The National Police Agency also instructed prefectural police to thoroughly implement such measures.

Key words : communist party reform final day

China's Communist Party starts key economic talks

China's Communist Party has started a key meeting to decide long-term economic policies, amid growing uncertainty over the country's economic outlook.

The third plenary session of the party's Central Committee got underway in Beijing on Monday, under tight security.

The talks are largely focused on "overall deepening of reforms" and "promotion of Chinese-style modernization."

The meeting is taking place as China's property market has slumped, and domestic demand is sluggish.

Observers are watching closely what kind of policies the leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping will set forth.

They include measures to address financial risks and worsening local government finances due to the battered property market, as well as nurturing new industries to replace the real estate sector.

Observers are also waiting to see whether there will be a reshuffle of senior party posts. A media outlet in Hong Kong says the talks may see former foreign minister Qin Gang and former defense chief Li Shangfu removed from the party's Central Committee. Both were fired from the Cabinet last year.

The closed-door talks will run through Thursday. A communique is scheduled to be released on the final day.

Key words : 22 people

22 people exposed abroad for operating Japanese anime piracy sites

A Japanese industry group says 22 people have been exposed for operating foreign-based piracy sites of Japanese anime and manga in the past three years.

The Content Overseas Distribution Association, or CODA, says Chinese authorities have taken action against 18 people for running piracy sites. Thirteen of them were arrested by a public security bureau in Jiangsu Province from January through June.

Four people were exposed in an anti-piracy operation in Brazil, resulting in the closure of 36 piracy websites.

CODA says that as Japanese anime and manga are gaining popularity around the world, an increasing number of overseas operators are posting works translated into foreign languages on their websites without permission for profit.

In its survey in 2022, the estimated financial loss from such websites was approximately 1.9 to 2.2 trillion yen, or about 12 to 14 billion dollars.

CODA says similar losses have been confirmed in France and other European nations in recent years. It says it will work closely with foreign authorities and take strict action.

Key words : statue hiroshima

Statue of girl who died after Hiroshima atomic bombing goes missing from US park

A statue of a girl who died of leukemia after exposure to radiation in the 1945 US atomic bombing of Hiroshima has disappeared from a park in the United States. Police are investigating the incident as theft.

Local media outlets say the statue of Sasaki Sadako was found to be missing from Peace Park in Seattle on Friday with only the figure's feet left in place.

They say Seattle's parks and recreation department filed a police report for first-degree theft and malicious mischief.

A local TV station reported that a citizens' group said scrap metal dealers have been notified of the incident. There is speculation that the statue was targeted due to the surging price of copper.

Sadako folded thousands of paper cranes to pray for her recovery, but died at the age of 12.

The statue was erected in Seattle in her memory in 1990. The project was funded by peace activist Floyd Schmoe.

In 2003, a vandal cut off the sculpture's right arm. It was restored eight months later, using funds raised in Japan and the US.

A peace organization that holds a memorial event in Seattle every year for the victims of atomic bombings told NHK that it was shocked and saddened by this latest act of vandalism. It said it hopes that will spur more people together to create a new statue and boost the movement toward abolishing nuclear weapons.

Editorial note: In our initial article, we wrote, "A TV station reported that officials have notified scrap metal dealers of the incident." We corrected the sentence to "A local TV station reported that a citizens' group said scrap metal dealers have been notified of the incident."

Key words : nato hybrid

Russia suspected of sabotage attacks in Europe

A series of suspicious fires have recently been reported in European countries that support Ukraine. Those nations are on high alert as they suspect Russia is carrying out "hybrid attacks," or attempts to cause disruption without using military force.

In Poland's capital Warsaw, a fire destroyed a shopping center with more than 1,400 stores in May.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said, "There is a high possibility that Russian intelligence agencies were behind the fire."

Tusk said nine people were detained on suspicion of committing arson and other acts of sabotage under orders from Russia.

He suggested they may also have been involved in a fire in another shopping center in Lithuania just before the Warsaw incident.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has confirmed Russia's involvement. He said the Kremlin has been intensifying its hybrid attacks against NATO member states.

There is speculation that Russia is using new tactics to carry out hybrid attacks.

Last month, someone attempted to set fire to vehicles at a bus depot in the Czech Republic capital, Prague.

A man from South America was indicted over the incident. Police say the suspect was paid for committing the crime and he has no links with any terror group or criminal organization. Local media reported the man had received 3,000 dollars.

Michal Koudelka, the head of Czech Security Information Service, the intelligence agency investigating the case, told NHK that the suspect had received instructions from a Russian intelligence agency through people on social media. But Koudelka says the suspect did not know he was acting on behalf of Russia.

NATO member countries said at their recent summit that Russia is intensifying hybrid attacks that "constitute a threat to their security." They affirmed they will counter the threat by maintaining close coordination.

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