
at 18:00 (JST), July 23


Key words : reelection bid endorsement

Harris takes over Biden's presidential campaign team

US Vice President Kamala Harris has rallied support from campaign staff who have been supporting President Joe Biden's reelection bid.

Harris visited the Democratic Party's campaign headquarters in the eastern state of Delaware on Monday.

Biden announced the day before that he was pulling out of the presidential race. He endorsed Harris as the Democratic nominee.

After thanking the campaign staff, Harris said, "It's a great honor to have Joe's endorsement in this race, and it is my intention to go out and earn this nomination and to win."

Biden joined the event by telephone, urging the staff to embrace Harris as the nominee. He said, "The name has changed at the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn't changed at all."

Leaders of Biden's campaign have reportedly accepted Harris's request to join her team.

The Harris camp says the vice president will stage a campaign rally in the battleground state of Wisconsin on Tuesday.

Support for her nomination is growing within the Democratic Party. Harris is expected to step up her campaigning activities, with her sights set on the November presidential election.

Key words : cbs news

CBS poll: 79% want Harris nominated, 83% approve of Biden stepping down

A poll by CBS News shows that 79 percent of respondents think Vice President Kamala Harris should be the Democratic Party's nominee for the US presidential election in November.

The poll queried over 1,000 registered Democratic voters on Sunday and Monday.

Among the respondents, 83 percent said they approved of President Joe Biden's decision to step aside as the party's nominee, while 17 percent disapproved.

When asked about the party's chances of winning against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump now that Biden has stepped aside, 45 percent said they were better than they were.

Ten percent said they were worse, 17 percent said they have not changed and 28 percent said it depends on the Democratic nominee.

Twenty-one percent said someone other than Harris should be nominated.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post said of the 263 congressional Democrats and 23 Democratic governors, 244 have endorsed Harris.

Key words : washington Daniel Okay

What's next for Kamala Harris, Democrats, US presidential election

US Vice President Kamala Harris has reportedly secured enough delegates to win the Democratic Party's nomination contest. NHK World's Daniel Okay reports on how her campaign is faring so far and the response from former President Donald Trump's campaign.

Key words : netanyahu first visit goal

Netanyahu to seek continued US support during visit to Washington

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to meet President Joe Biden on Tuesday, during his first visit to the United States since the start of Israel's conflict with Hamas.

The visit comes after Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race.

Netanyahu told reporters before departing for the US that regardless of whom US voters choose as their next president, his country remains America's "indispensable and strong ally in the Middle East."

He also said the meeting with Biden will be an opportunity to discuss with him how to achieve Israel's goals of securing the release of hostages and defeating Hamas.

Netanyahu is expected to defend Israel's military operations in Gaza and seek continued military support from the US during the talks.

Meanwhile, Israel's military has attacked parts of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip after ordering to evacuate. Israeli military officials on Monday said rockets were fired from central Khan Younis by Hamas militants.

Footage taken by an NHK crew in Gaza shows a number of bodies and wounded people, including small children, being carried into a hospital in the city.

Local health authorities said Monday's attacks on Khan Younis killed 70 people, bringing the total to 39,006.

Key words : israel sanction

Japan to sanction 4 Jewish settlers in West Bank for violence against residents

The Japanese government says it will impose sanctions against four Jewish settlers for involvement in violence against residents in the West Bank.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says violence against Palestinians by Jewish settlers has been ongoing since the conflict between Israel and Hamas began in the Gaza Strip in October.

The government says such acts are extremely inhumane and cannot be allowed. It approved sanctions including freezing the assets of four settlers from Israel in a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

The United States and Britain have taken similar measures. The sanctions are the first by Japan.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Yoshimasa says Japan's position is that Israeli settlements in the West Bank violate international law and harm the realization of a two-state solution.

Speaking to reporters after the Cabinet meeting, Hayashi noted that violence by settlers has been rising sharply. He said Japan will seek the complete halt of settlements while working with the international community to fully implement the sanctions.

Key words : zelenskyy agreement

Zelenskyy to speed up efforts to sign new security agreements

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has expressed his intention to speed up efforts to sign new security agreements with more countries as soon as possible.

In a video message released on Monday, Zelenskyy said that no matter what happens in the world, Ukraine needs its own tools to support its people and state, as well as its own security agreements that will work under any conditions.

He noted that his team is preparing four new security agreements for Ukraine and will begin negotiations very soon.

Zelenskyy added that Ukraine will have almost thirty such agreements with its partners.

He made the remarks apparently taking into consideration the possibility that US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump wins the election in November.

Ukrainian media report that Kyiv had already signed 17 security agreements including those with Britain and Japan, by mid-June.

Key words : nuclear treaty

Preparatory committee for 2026 NPT review conference opens 2nd session

The Preparatory Committee for the 2026 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, or NPT, has held its second meeting amid an increasingly severe global nuclear threat.

The second session of the preparatory committee opened in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday. The committee was set up for the NPT review conference to be held in 2026 to discuss the direction of global nuclear disarmament.

UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Nakamitsu Izumi made an address at the beginning of the session.

She said that while the shadow of nuclear threat has never gone away, and would not go away as long as such weapons exist. She added, "it has taken on more alarming tones recently, a danger has become more acute."

The second session comes amid a continued nuclear threat posed by Russia invading Ukraine. The tensions are also rising in the Middle East where Israel is believed to possess nuclear arms and Iran is suspected of developing such weapons.

In East Asia, North Korea is pushing its nuclear and missile development programs, and China is apparently expanding its nuclear capabilities.

The preparatory committee failed to adopt a summary document at the first session last year due to divisions among participating countries.

Attention is focused on whether the countries can find common ground before the second meeting wraps up on August 2.

Among attendees are mayors of the atomic-bombed Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who are expected to re-emphasize the inhumanity of nuclear weapons.

Key words : arrested greenland

Anti-whaling activist faces possible extradition to Japan after arrest

Anti-whaling campaigner Paul Watson, a former head of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, has been arrested in Greenland on an international arrest warrant issued by Japan.

Police in Greenland -- an autonomous territory of Denmark -- said the Canadian-American dual national was apprehended on Sunday.

He once led Sea Shepherd, an environmental group focused on the conservation of marine ecosystems and wildlife. The group was known for its harsh interventions against Japanese whaling activities.

In 2010, the Japan Coast Guard issued an international arrest warrant for Watson via the International Criminal Police Organization, in connection with an anti-whaling campaign he allegedly ordered.

A court in Greenland told NHK that Watson's detention will last until August 15. Local authorities are set to decide whether to extradite him to Japan.

Watson's ship was due to sail to the North Pacific on a mission to intercept a Japanese whaling mother ship called Kangei-maru, according to an organization affiliated with Sea Shepherd. The group called on the authorities not to extradite him, saying it implores "the Danish government to release Captain Watson and not entertain this politically-motivated request."

Key words : world weather Jonathan Oh

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