
at 18:00 (JST), June 11


Key words : learned peace summit

Joint statement at peace summit unlikely to include withdrawal of Russian forces

NHK has learned that a draft joint statement that falls short of calling for the withdrawal of Russian forces will be presented at the upcoming international conference on peace in Ukraine.

The peace summit will be held in Switzerland on Saturday and Sunday. It is aimed at realizing the 10-point peace plan proposed by Ukraine.

The Swiss government said on Monday that 90 countries and organizations are expected to attend the event.

NHK has obtained the draft joint statement that refers to only three of the 10 points proposed in the Ukrainian peace formula.

The three are the safety of nuclear power plants, food security and the release of all prisoners and the return of children deported to Russia.

It falls short of mentioning the withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine and the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity.

The draft joint statement also says all parties need to take a part to achieve peace. It stresses the importance of Russia's participation in discussions.

Diplomatic sources say that the withdrawal of Russian troops and other things that Ukraine have been calling for were dropped from the draft because it took into consideration some emerging nations in Asia and Middle East that maintain ties with Russia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expects the peace summit to be a framework that will give his country an upper hand in ending the war.

Key words : south warning shot

S.Korea fires warning shots as N.Korean soldiers briefly cross border

South Korea's military says its troops fired warning shots when North Korean soldiers briefly crossed the military demarcation line between the two countries on Sunday. More than 10 North Korean soldiers apparently violated the land border by mistake.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Tuesday that the incident occurred shortly past noon on Sunday. It added that the North Korean soldiers immediately returned to their territory, after the South Korean military issued warning broadcasts and fired warning shots.

Sources close to the South Korean military said the North Korean soldiers were carrying pickaxes or other tools. The sources noted that they appeared to have been engaged in some kind of activity in the Demilitarized Zone. They said that the soldiers apparently breached the line by accident.

The JCS told reporters that the site is a wooded area and the signs indicating where the military demarcation line is located were not clearly visible. It said the military believes that the North Korean soldiers did not intentionally cross the border.

South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported that the JCS's announcement, which was made two days after the incident, was an apparent effort to keep inter-Korean tensions from being aggravated further.

Also on Sunday, the South Korean military used loudspeakers to resume issuing anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts near the military demarcation line for the first time in six years.

Pyongyang recently sent balloons carrying trash flying into South Korea. The move was apparently in retaliation for the anti-Pyongyang balloons that some North Korean defectors in the South sent into the North.

Key words : warship

Japan, US hold meeting about extensive repairs on US warships in Japan

Japan and the United States have held their first working-level meeting aimed at having US military vessels repaired in Japan.

This follows an agreement reached at the Japan-US summit in April. The countries agreed to create a framework for Japanese companies to conduct extensive repairs on US Navy warships.

The attendees at Tuesday's meeting included the Commissioner of the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency of Japan's Defense Ministry, Fukasawa Masaki, US defense department officials and the US Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel.

Fukasawa said he believes that having more opportunities to conduct maintenance on US Navy vessels at Japanese shipyards will fortify the deterrence of the Japan-US alliance. He confirmed that working-level meetings will be held regularly to discuss specific systems and cooperation.

At the start of the meeting, Emanuel expressed his admiration for Japan's production capabilities and its ability to implement plans according to budget. He noted the need to apply such skills to collective deterrence.

After the meeting, Emanuel told reporters that ship repairs and the maintenance of vessels are important factors for deterrence. He said, "Japan and their shipyards can play an essential role in our strategic projection of deterrence" in an area where the Navy plays an essential role.

Emanuel also emphasized that the ships would not have to return to the US mainland for repairs. He said it is essential to maintain deterrence in times of peace and during emergencies.

Key words : maritime seven

7 missing in April crash of 2 MSDF helicopters declared dead

Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force has pronounced dead seven personnel listed as missing in the crash of two of its helicopters in April. The accident has now officially claimed the lives of all eight crewmembers on board the two aircraft.

The helicopters collided over the Pacific Ocean off Torishima Island in the Izu Islands on April 20. The aircraft were conducting a drill on anti-submarine warfare using sonar equipment.

One of the eight crewmembers was quickly confirmed dead, while the seven others were listed as missing.

The MSDF said on Tuesday it has determined the missing are dead. It cited the slim possibility of survival almost two months after the crash.

The MSDF plans to promote each of the victims one rank and hold a funeral ceremony for them later this month.

The MSDF will continue searching for the remains of the seven and for aircraft debris. It is also analyzing flight recorders that were recovered to determine the cause of the crash.

Key words : naruhito

Emperor Naruhito meets Luxembourg's Crown Prince Guillaume

Japan's Emperor Naruhito has met with Luxembourg's Crown Prince Guillaume at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.

The Imperial Household Agency said that, during their 20-minute meeting on Monday, the Emperor expressed his pleasure at meeting the crown prince for the first time in 10 years. The Emperor attended the wedding of Crown Prince Guillaume in 2012 and also met with the crown prince and his wife in 2014 during their visit to Japan.

The Emperor also thanked Luxembourg's government and businesses for their support in the wake of a deadly earthquake that hit Japan's Noto region on New Year's Day.

They were later joined by Empress Masako and their daughter Princess Aiko.

Later in the day, Crown Prince and Princess Akishino welcomed Luxembourg's crown prince to a dinner they hosted at their residence at the Akasaka Estate. Princess Kako and Prince Hisahito were also in attendance.

This was Prince Hisahito's first time to attend a dinner party for distinguished foreign guests since 2015, when a Thai princess visited Japan.

Key words : baseball Yoshikawa Ayano

Japan's population crisis: Can VR keep rural school sports alive?

A remote island's high school baseball club struggling for enough players for practice is considering using VR to augment their training. NHK World's Yoshikawa Ayano looks at how technology could help keep sports alive for kids living in Japan's shrinking communities.

Key words : world weather Yuumi Hirano

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