
at 18:00 (JST), June 19


Key words : putin underway displayed

Putin, Kim hold talks in Pyongyang

The summit between Russia and North Korea is now officially underway. Images from Pyongyang show crowds welcoming Russian President Vladimir Putin for his first visit in 24 years.

A welcoming ceremony took place in Pyongyang on Wednesday. North Korea's state-run news agency called the meeting an important step for both nations. Experts believe Pyongyang sees the visit as an opportunity to strengthen ties.

Notably, a large portrait of Putin was displayed alongside that of leader Kim Jong Un. The two are expected to sign a strategic partnership treaty touching on security and economic issues.
Russian state media says Putin opened the talks by thanking Kim. He said they appreciate Pyongyang's consistent and unchanging support when it comes to the war in Ukraine.

Putin also reportedly said Russia is fighting decades of imperialist policies from the US and its allies.

Those countries are keeping a close eye on the event. The US Secretary of State raised concerns over what this partnership could mean for Ukraine.

Antony Blinken said, "We'll continue to do everything we can to cut off the support that countries like Iran and North Korea are providing."

China's foreign ministry spokesperson declined to comment on the visit. But last week, he said Moscow was welcome to cement its traditional friendships. Diplomatic sources in Beijing say they are being careful. They say Pyongyang is trying to shore up its ties with Moscow without alienating China.

North Korea claims Russia and China are fighting the West in a "new Cold War" -- an assertion Beijing is reportedly not happy about.

Key words : background Hanazawa Yuichiro

What the Putin-Kim summit means for China, Japan, S.Korea, and the US

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met for a summit in Pyongyang on Wednesday. NHK World explores the history between the two countries and the international concerns sparked by their deepening ties.

Key words : diet enacted political funding

Revised political funding control bill passes Japan's Diet

Japan's Diet has enacted a bill to revise the political funds control law.

The bill was approved at the Upper House plenary session on Wednesday with a majority in favor. The main ruling Liberal Democratic Party, its partner Komeito and others supported the bill.

Opposition parties voted against. That included the Japan Innovation Party, which had voted in favor in the Lower House vote.

The enacted legislation mandates that lawmakers confirm in a document the contents of their political funds reports. This is to introduce a system of "guilt by association."

The minimum threshold for disclosing the names of those who purchase fundraiser tickets will be lowered to 50,000 yen, or about 320 dollars. The current minimum is 200,000 yen, or about 1,280 dollars.

Lawmakers will be asked to report how and when the policy activity funds provided by their party were used. They will be required to disclose the receipts and other relevant documents 10 years later.

In a debate before the vote, Sato Masahisa, a Liberal Democrat, said the legislation is a big step forward as it aims at correcting political funding practices instead of limiting them.

He said he believes that the revised law will contribute to making political funds more transparent and appropriate while ensuring freedom of political activities.

Mizuoka Shunichi of the opposition Constitutional Democratic Party said the legislation not only failed to regain public trust but further spread distrust and anxiety among the public.

He criticized the LDP for failing to address complaints that the law is full of loopholes and undermining the goal of the law.

Otokita Shun of the Japan Innovation Party criticized the LDP for breaking an earlier promise made with his party during talks on passing the bill. He was referring to disclosing how public allowances paid to Diet members are used.

He said the LDP has helped lawmakers retain their privileges, calling it a grave betrayal of the public. He said the LDP's dishonesty gives ample reason to oppose the bill.

Opposition parties voting against the legislation in the Upper House included the Constitutional Democratic Party, the Japan Innovation Party, Japanese Communist Party, Democratic Party for the People, Reiwa Shinsengumi, Free Education for All, Social Democratic Party, Sanseito, and others.

The bill was submitted by the LDP following a funding scandal involving some of the party's factions. The original bill was amended during the Lower House debate to incorporate demands from Komeito and the Japan Innovation Party.

The legislation stipulates that details about how to ensure third-party checks of policy activity funds reports should be debated later. Attention is focused on whether an effective system will actually be created.

Key words : health and welfare

Japan to allow foreign technical trainees to provide home-visit nursing care

Japan's health and welfare ministry has decided to allow foreigners in programs for technical training and specified skilled workers to provide home-visit nursing care, to address the country's serious shortage of caregivers.

At present, a limited number of foreigners certified as care workers are permitted to provide home-visit nursing care, which is done by one worker. This is because it is difficult for them to get help or guidance from other staff.

Foreign technical trainees and specified skilled workers with residency status are not permitted to engage in the industry.

A ministry panel on Wednesday approved a plan to let them become home-visit caregivers if they meet certain conditions.

Specifically, candidates will have to complete a beginner's training course on caregiving techniques.

Employers will also need to train them in Japanese lifestyles and means of communication, and have their staff accompany the trainees for actual practice over a certain period.

Ministry officials will visit the employers to check whether people are being properly trained, and will begin a consultation service for foreign caregivers to prevent and address possible harassment.

The ministry plans to solicit public comments on the plan, and start implementing it as early as fiscal 2025, which begins next April.

Key words : ecuador

Ecuador temporarily suspends visa waiver for Chinese nationals

Ecuador's government says it will suspend visa waivers for Chinese nationals following an unusual increase in travelers who leave the country without going through proper departure procedures.

Chinese nationals are believed to be using Ecuador as a starting point to enter the United States illegally.

Ecuador's foreign ministry announced on Tuesday that it will temporarily suspend the agreement with Beijing that allows visa-free entries for Chinese nationals.

The ministry cited a significant increase in the number of Chinese who do not leave through regular routes within the 90-day allowed period of stay, or use Ecuador as a starting point to reach other destinations.

The Ecuadorian government says that about half of the more than 66,000 Chinese citizens who entered its national territory between 2023 and 2024 did not register their departure.

The government points to various reports by international organizations and immigration institutions that indicate most of those Chinese citizens head for the United States by way of Latin American countries, including Mexico.

US Customs and Border Protection statistics show that between January and April of this year there were nearly 13,000 encounters involving Chinese nationals on the United States southwest land border.

Key words : weather Jonathan Oh

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