
at 18:00 (JST), June 14


Key words : 50 billion reconstruction

G7 leaders agree on loan to Ukraine worth 50 billion dollars

The leaders of the Group of Seven nations share the belief that their allies in Ukraine need more support for weapons and to rebuild. They have agreed to provide a loan worth 50 billion dollars using interest from frozen Russian assets.

The leaders welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to their annual summit on Thursday in the southern Italian region of Puglia. This is the second G7 gathering that Zelenskyy has held in-person meetings with his counterparts.

The G7 leaders have been debating how to use an estimated 300 billion dollars in Russian funds held mostly in European banks. They plan to provide a loan to Ukraine that would be repaid using the interest on those assets.

Senior US officials say the money will continue to be held until the Russians pay for the damage they caused -- even after any ceasefire. Analysts at the World Bank put the cost of reconstruction over the next decade at more than 480 billion dollars.

"This is a very strong commitment, which gives the people of Ukraine the courage to do what is now necessary to defend their independence and their sovereignty," said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Russian officials criticized the move, saying that taking income from their assets would be illegal. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said buoying the Kyiv regime with someone else's money threatens to "unbalance the financial system" and "create disastrous crises."

Russian leaders have shown no sign of letting up in their fight. They have doubled their annual spending on defense.

Key words : italy Daniel Okay

Analysis: G7 pledges $50 bil. loan to Ukraine

G7 leaders say interest from frozen Russian assets will help pay for a new loan aimed at funding Ukraine's military and reconstruction effort. NHK World's Daniel Okay provides analysis from the group's summit in Italy.

Key words : zelenskyy next ten years signed

Biden, Zelenskyy sign security deal to equip and train Ukrainian troops

US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy have been discussing how to reinforce Ukraine's security. They signed an agreement on Thursday on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy to equip and train Ukrainian forces over the next ten years.

The leaders said the deal will allow Ukrainians to respond to current and future threats. They added that it will act as a "bridge" to Ukraine's eventual membership in NATO.

Biden said lasting peace must be underwritten by Ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and to deter aggression "anytime in the future."

Zelenskyy said it is very important for all Ukrainians and for all Europeans to know that there will be "no security deficit" in Europe, which he says "tempts the aggressor to war" and makes the future uncertain.

The Americans have provided Ukraine with a stream of advanced military equipment, including Patriot missile systems. They plan to help the Ukrainians shift their "air defense architecture" into a more modern one. Both sides want to work with private companies in those efforts and in producing artillery shells, drones and other weapons.

US forces and other allies plan to train Ukrainian soldiers during exercises in the US and, when "conditions allow," they hope to carry out some drills in Ukraine.

Fifteen nations, including the United Kingdom, France and Germany, have already signed similar agreements with Ukraine.

Key words : austin military advance

Austin: US arms policy slows Russia's Ukraine advance

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said Moscow's military advance has slowed since Ukraine got permission to strike inside Russia with American arms.

Austin spoke at a news conference on Thursday after attending a meeting in Belgium to discuss support for Ukraine.

Last month, the US began allowing Ukraine to use arms it provided in border areas inside Russia. The step was taken to help defend the eastern Ukrainian region of Kharkiv.

The defense secretary said, "What I see is a slowing of the Russians' advance and a stabilizing of that particular piece of the front."

Austin didn't say whether Ukrainian forces actually used US weapons inside Russian territory.

Austin stressed that the US will keep supporting Ukrainians. He said that Ukraine's partners around the world continue to stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin's aggression.

Key words : national police survey

N.Korean trash balloons landed at over 770 sites in S.Korea

A survey shows trash-carrying balloons Pyongyang has recently flown into South Korea have landed at over 770 locations across the country.

North Korea has repeatedly flown such balloons toward South Korea since May 28, to retaliate for balloons with anti-Pyongyang leaflets sent to the North by North Korean defectors in the South.

A document disclosed by the South Korean National Police Agency to a South Korean lawmaker showed more than 1,600 such balloons are estimated to have been flown by the North and their landings were confirmed at 778 sites.

The locations cover a vast area, including the capital Seoul, the eastern province of Gangwon and the southeastern city of Gyeongju.

An expert is expressing concern that balloons could be used in possible biological or chemical weapon attacks.

In opinion poll released on Friday, 60 percent of people surveyed said they saw North Korean balloons as a threat, while 36 percent said they did not.

On Sunday, the South Korean military responded by conducting anti-Pyongyang propaganda loudspeaker broadcasts near the military demarcation line for the first time in six years. The military said whether it will continue the broadcasts or not is up to Pyongyang.

The South Korean military is on alert for further possible balloons coming from North Korea.

Key words : on Sunday propaganda

N.Korean trash balloons landed at over 770 sites in S.Korea

A survey shows trash-carrying balloons Pyongyang has recently flown into South Korea have landed at over 770 locations across the country.

North Korea has repeatedly flown such balloons toward South Korea since May 28, to retaliate for balloons with anti-Pyongyang leaflets sent to the North by North Korean defectors in the South.

A document disclosed by the South Korean National Police Agency to a South Korean lawmaker showed more than 1,600 such balloons are estimated to have been flown by the North and their landings were confirmed at 778 sites.

The locations cover a vast area, including the capital Seoul, the eastern province of Gangwon and the southeastern city of Gyeongju.

An expert is expressing concern that balloons could be used in possible biological or chemical weapon attacks.

In opinion poll released on Friday, 60 percent of people surveyed said they saw North Korean balloons as a threat, while 36 percent said they did not.

On Sunday, the South Korean military responded by conducting anti-Pyongyang propaganda loudspeaker broadcasts near the military demarcation line for the first time in six years. The military said whether it will continue the broadcasts or not is up to Pyongyang.

The South Korean military is on alert for further possible balloons coming from North Korea.

Key words : passed a bill

Japan's Diet enacts bill to replace foreign trainee program

Japan's Diet has passed a bill aimed at replacing the technical intern system for foreign nationals with a new training program.

The bill to revise the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act and relevant legislation was approved at the Upper House plenary session on Friday, with a majority in favor. The main ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner Komeito, as well as the Japan Innovation Party and others, supported the bill. The Constitutional Democratic Party, the Japanese Communist Party and others voted against it.

The new program aims to train foreign interns to reach the level of "specified skilled worker" in three years, in principle.

Foreign trainees will be accepted in fields that are experiencing labor shortages such as nursing care, construction and agriculture.

Interns will be allowed to switch employers in the same sector under certain conditions. Currently, they are not allowed to change their employers, in principle.

The bill would enable the government to revoke permanent resident status in cases of intentional failure to pay taxes and other public dues. A related provision states that living conditions will be taken into consideration in cases that involve the revoking of the status.

In a debate before the vote, Constitutional Democratic Party lawmaker Makiyama Hiroe argued that the bill is a man-made disaster, as it contains a provision on the possible revocation of permanent residency.

She said the bill symbolizes the stance of Prime Minister Kishida Fumio's Cabinet of resisting attempts to achieve a more inclusive society.

Shimizu Takayuki, a lawmaker of the Japan Innovation Party, said the current technical intern program urgently needs to be improved, as human rights issues and some other problems have been pointed out. He said he does not believe the bill can solve all the problems with the system, but he thinks it will be a step forward.

The revised legislation will take effect by 2027.

Key words : white paper women

Japan govt. gender equality report urges firms to consider women's health issues

A Japanese government report on gender equality says companies should pay more attention to women's health issues, so female employees can balance work and their wellbeing.

The white paper was approved at a Cabinet meeting on Friday.

This year's report focuses on balancing work and health.

The report said data show that illnesses unique to men, such as enlarged prostate glands, tend to appear more in a man's 50s or later. But it said conditions unique to females, including menstrual disorders, are common in women of working age, namely those in the 20 to 50s age range. The report goes on to say it is important for men and women to understand the health issues of the opposite sex and provide support.

The white paper said women in particular tend to feel unwell more frequently than men, due to their monthly periods. It said firms should take note of female health issues.

The report says a society in which a woman can work comfortably is likely to be the kind of society that is desirable for everyone, including men. It also says it is important for society to support workers with young children, as well as those caring for other family members. The report also underscored the importance of flexible working styles, such as teleworking.

Key words : metropolitan world war

Tokyo to release additional videos of people recounting massive US air raid

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will be releasing previously undisclosed videos of 47 people giving their accounts of a devastating air raid that the United States carried out on the Japanese capital during World War Two.

About 100,000 people died in the predawn attack on March 10, 1945. Most of the destruction caused by the US B-29 bombers was seen in the city's eastern residential areas.

Tokyo holds an exhibit on the air raid around March 10 every year to prevent the memories of the war from being forgotten. This year the city released videos of 122 people recounting the raid and other wartime experiences.

The city has obtained permission from 47 more people to release videos of their testimonies. The videos will be shown at next year's exhibit.

Tokyo originally intended to show all the videos at a facility it planned to build. The city wanted to construct the facility in order to pass on the memories of the air raid. But a conflict in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly over the contents of the facility's exhibition led to the plan being suspended in 1999. Testimonies were provided by 330 people. But most of them have not been released.

City officials note it has been difficult to reach some of the people to obtain their permission to release the videos. The officials are calling on those individuals and their family members to get in touch, if they want to make their testimonies public.

Key words : global weather Yuumi Hirano

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