
at 18:00 (JST), June 17


Key words : israeli continue key road

Israel continues attacks across Gaza, announces pause to admit aid

Israel has continued attacks across the Gaza Strip while announcing a pause in its military activity in a southern area to allow more humanitarian aid into the enclave.

The Israeli military said on Sunday that the pause would apply to a path from the Kerem Shalom crossing to a key road and further north. The route can be used to deliver humanitarian supplies to Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

The military said the pause would be in place from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day until further notice.

But the military posted on social media it would continue operations in southern Gaza, including Rafah. The post, in Hebrew, was apparently to show Israelis the military would maintain its hardline stance.

The Israeli military continued attacks across Gaza on Sunday. A local media outlet said a bombing that targeted two homes in a refugee camp in central Gaza killed six people, including an infant, and wounded dozens.

Health officials in Gaza said the death toll in the enclave had climbed to 37,337 since the conflict erupted last October.

Meanwhile, negotiations between Israel and Hamas remain stalled on a three-phase plan that entails a six-week ceasefire and the release of hostages held in Gaza. US President Joe Biden announced the plan on May 31.

A senior leader of the Islamic group Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, referred to the proposal in a statement on Sunday.

He said his movement, along with all the resistance factions, has shown great seriousness and flexibility in order to reach an agreement. But he said Israel and its allies have not responded to that.

Key words : delegates peace in ukraine swiss president

Delegates to Ukraine peace summit adopt joint communique

Delegates to an international conference on peace in Ukraine have adopted a joint communique pledging to take concrete measures to address issues, such as the safety of nuclear power plants.

The two-day summit to discuss a peace plan put forward by Ukraine ended on Sunday in the Swiss resort of Burgenstock. Representatives from about 100 countries and organizations attended.

The communique stated that participants decided to undertake concrete steps in three areas including the safety of nuclear power plants and food security.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the summit showed international support is not weakening but is becoming stronger.

He expressed his intention to create an action plan to implement the peace plan and seek the holding of a second peace summit.

Swiss President Viola Amherd stressed the significance of the summit. But she also said one key question of how and when Russia can be included in the process remains. She said a lasting solution must involve both parties.

During the summit, participants from emerging countries collectively known as the Global South pointed to the need for Russia's participation. They place importance on ties with Moscow.

The secretary general of Japan's National Security Secretariat, Akiba Takeo, told reporters that about 10 countries, including Saudi Arabia and India, did not support the communique.

Observers say the summit revealed difficulty in drawing up a path to peace without the participation of Russia and China, which has been deepening ties with Moscow.

Dmitry Peskov, a spokesperson for the Kremlin, talked about the summit during an interview with Russia's state-run TV. He said: "They won't talk about peace. That's the matter."

On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin set out his conditions for peace talks. The requirements include the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the four regions that Russia unilaterally annexed in 2022.

Peskov said during the interview that Putin's proposal should be considered.

He said even if politicians, such as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, try to publicly brush aside the initiative, there will be "some more sober heads," even in Ukraine.

Key words : swedish

More nuclear warheads being deployed worldwide: Swedish think tank

A Swedish think tank says the global total of nuclear warheads deployed with missiles and aircraft has grown by 60 from last year. China and Russia appear to be promoting their deployment.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute released the finding on Monday in its annual report.

It says there were an estimated 12,121 nuclear warheads in January 2024, a decline of 391 from a year earlier.

Russia is estimated to have 5,580 warheads, followed by the United States with 5,044. The two countries are believed to possess about 90 percent of the total global inventory. China is estimated to have the third largest stockpile of 500 nuclear warheads, 90 more than last year.

Of the total, an estimated 3,904 warheads, or more than 30 percent, were deployed with missiles and aircraft.

The report says that, for the first time, China is believed to have some warheads on high operational alert. It also says that Russia is estimated to have deployed around 36 more warheads with operational forces than in January 2023.

The report also says the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles possessed by China is likely to reach or even exceed the numbers held by Russia or the US in a decade. The institute commented, "China is expanding its nuclear arsenal faster than any other country."

The report analyzes that tensions over Ukraine and the Gaza Strip have further weakened nuclear diplomacy.

It refers to the tactical nuclear weapon drills that Russia carried out close to the Ukrainian border in May. It says, "We have not seen nuclear weapons playing such a prominent role in international relations since the cold war."

It went on to say, "We are now in one of the most dangerous periods in human history." It added "it is time for the great powers to step back and reflect."

Key words : gunman

Shooting in Michigan park wounds 9, including 2 children

A gunman has opened fire at a park in the Midwestern US state of Michigan, injuring nine people, including two children.

Local authorities said one of the children, an 8-year-old boy, was in critical condition following the rampage in a town near Detroit on Saturday.

The suspect, a 42-year-old man, was later found dead at his home.

The authorities said no connection had been found between the suspect and the victims.

Over the weekend, US media reported another shooting incident in a park in the southern state of Texas that left two people dead.

The shooting took place on Saturday night during an event to celebrate Juneteenth National Independence Day, which commemorates the end of slavery in the US.

Key words : china 97 percent

China's new home prices drop in May in over 97% of major cities

Chinese government figures show prices of new homes declined in May from the previous month in more than 97 percent of major cities surveyed.

The National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday that new home prices fell in 68 of 70 major cities.

The number of cities that marked declines rose by four from the previous month.

Prices dropped by 1.4 percent in Guangzhou, 1.1 percent in Beijing and 0.8 percent in Shenzhen. The average for regional cities was down 0.8 percent.

Prices edged up month on month in two cities, Shanghai and Taiyuan in Shanxi Province.

The Chinese government has announced measures to shore up the market as the country's property slump continues to deepen.

One step is to have local governments purchase unsold homes, which may be used as housing for low-income families. Beijing is also relaxing regulations on housing loans.

Key words : tamaki

Okinawa governor's camp fails to win majority in prefectural assembly poll

The political camp supporting the governor of Okinawa in southern Japan has failed to secure a majority in Sunday's prefectural assembly election. Governor Tamaki Denny opposes the central government's plan to relocate a US military base within the prefecture.

Seventy-five candidates ran for 48 seats in the election. Voter turnout was 45.26 percent, a record low.

The Liberal Democratic Party, which does not back Tamaki, and self-proclaimed neutral forces, including the Japan Innovation Party and Komeito, grabbed 28 seats, up four from the pre-election level.

This is the first time in 16 years that forces led by the LDP have acquired a majority in the assembly.

At the Diet, the LDP and Komeito are in the governing coalition while the Japan Innovation Party is in the opposition.

Meanwhile, Okinawa's political camp supporting Governor Tamaki took 20 seats, down four from the pre-election showing. It includes the Japanese Communist Party, the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Party.

The three parties are all in the opposition at the Diet.

Tamaki spoke to reporters early on Monday after the election results came in. He said he has to sincerely accept the outcome and examine whether his way of handling prefectural politics was right and whether he should have worked harder.

But the governor added that he remains steadfastly opposed to relocation of the US Marine Corps Futenma Air Station to the Henoko district of Nago City.

The base is currently situated in a densely populated area in the city of Ginowan.

Key words : top spokesperson reiterate

Key words : rainy season kyushu

Rainy season starts in northern part of Japan's Kyushu region

Japanese weather officials say the rainy season appears to have begun in the northern part of western Japan's Kyushu region. They are also warning of landslides, flooding of low-lying land and swelling rivers in southern Kyushu and Shikoku.

The Meteorological Agency said on Monday heavy rain was pounding southern Kyushu and Okinawa Prefecture on and off. It said rainy and cloudy weather is predicted to continue mainly in Kyushu, announcing the start of the rainy season in northern Kyushu.

The announcement for the region is 13 days later than usual and 19 days later than last year.

Weather officials also say a front lying off Japan's Pacific coast is expected to get active, likely bringing thunderstorms to regions between the Nansei Islands and eastern Japan through Tuesday.

The officials say bands of rain clouds may unleash large amounts of rain in the prefectures of Miyazaki and Kagoshima, excluding Amami, from Monday night to Tuesday morning. They say bands of rain clouds may also form over four prefectures in Shikoku on Tuesday morning. That could sharply raise the risk of disasters.

During the 24-hour period until Tuesday noon, up to 300 millimeters of rain is forecast for southern Kyushu and Shikoku; 180 millimeters for Amami and Kansai; 150 millimeters for northern Kyushu and Tokai; and 120 millimeters for Okinawa and Kanto-Koshin.

In the next 24-hour period through Wednesday noon, 120 millimeters of rain is expected in Tokai and Kanto-Koshin.

The Meteorological Agency is urging caution against landslides, flooding in low-lying areas, swelling rivers, lightning, gusts and hailstorms.

It is also calling on people to take safety measures, including moving into sturdy buildings, if there are any signs of developed thunderclouds approaching.

People in areas where heavy rain is expected are advised to check local hazard maps in advance and confirm the latest information to evacuate early.

Key words : weather Tsietsi Monare

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