
at 18:00 (JST), June 18


Key words : putin rodong

Putin vows to seek higher-level ties with N.Korea ahead of visit to Pyongyang

Russian President Vladimir Putin, ahead of his first visit to North Korea in 24 years, said the two countries will boost their ties to a higher level.

His remark appeared in an article printed by North Korea's ruling party's newspaper.

Putin is scheduled to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during his visit on Tuesday and Wednesday as a state guest. The visit is the first since July 2000.

He contributed an article published in the Tuesday edition of Rodong Sinmun.

Putin said in the article that Russia highly appreciates "that the DPRK is firmly supporting the special military operations of Russia being conducted in Ukraine."

DPRK stands for North Korea's official name -- the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Referring to North Korea's accelerated attempts to develop nuclear and missile technologies against the United States, Putin also praised Pyongyang, writing, "We are pleased that the friends of the DPRK are defending their interests very effectively despite the US economic pressure, provocation, blackmail and military threats that have lasted for decades."

Putin also wrote that Russia was "firmly convinced that we will put bilateral cooperation onto a higher level with our joint efforts" and it will contribute to strengthening the sovereignty of the two countries and deepening their economic and trade relations.

Key words : putin vietnam secretary

Putin set to meet with Kim

Aides to Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed on Monday that he will make a visit this week to North Korea. They say he will meet with leader Kim Jong Un to discuss ways to strengthen their military alliance.

Putin will follow through on an invitation Kim extended when they met last September at a spaceport in Russia's Far East. He will be making his first visit to North Korea since he traveled there in 2000, the year he took power.

Putin's aides say he will arrive late Tuesday and will be joined by his foreign and defense ministers and other senior officials. He is scheduled to meet with Kim the next day. They are expected to tighten economic and security ties and sign an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Western leaders have seen Russian forces deplete their arsenal during more than two years of fighting in Ukraine. They have accused the North Koreans of helping to fill that gap with ballistic missiles and other munitions.

South Korean intelligence analysts say, in return, the Russians are supporting efforts to put another spy satellite into orbit. The North Koreans have promised to send up three satellites this year. However, they failed in an attempt last month.

A Russian diplomatic analyst says Putin wants to demonstrate his ties with Kim ahead of the NATO summit next month focused on Ukraine. "As Western countries increase the pressure on Russia, it is trying to rely on countries that are not under Western influence," said Vladimir Evseev of the Institute of CIS countries.

Putin will head on to Hanoi later on Wednesday. He is set to meet with the Secretary General of the Vietnamese Communist Party, Nguyen Phu Trong. They are expected to discuss trade, as well as regional and international affairs.

Key words : kirby

US expresses concern about Russia-N.Korea ties

Senior US government officials have expressed concerns about the deepening relationship between Russia and North Korea.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is starting a two-day visit to North Korea through Wednesday, his first trip to the country in 24 years.

Putin is expected to have summit talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and sign an agreement on a strategic partnership for economic and security cooperation.

White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said at a news conference on Monday that the United States is concerned about the deepening relationship between the two countries.

Kirby said the US is not only concerned about the impact the relationship is going to have on Ukrainians, but because there could be some reciprocity that could affect security on the Korean Peninsula.

Speaking to reporters on Monday, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh speculated that the purpose of Putin's trip to North Korea could be the procurement of weapons for use on the battlefield in Ukraine.

Singh said the US sees Russia going to countries such as North Korea to get assistance on weapons.

Key words : expert Amma Hideo

Analysis: What's behind Putin's visit to North Korea

Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to visit North Korea and meet with leader Kim Jong Un this week. NHK Senior Commentator Amma Hideo provides analysis on this latest push to improve ties between Moscow and Pyongyang.

Key words : south warning shot

S.Korean military: N.Korean soldiers cross border again

South Korea's military says its troops fired warning shots after soldiers from North Korea crossed the military demarcation line between the two countries on Tuesday.

Military sources said about 20 to 30 North Korean soldiers breached the line at around 8:30 a.m. but immediately returned to the North after the warning shots were fired.

South Korea's military thinks the soldiers mistakenly crossed the line.

It believes that near the demarcation line, the North is burying landmines, reinforcing roads and building structures thought to be anti-tank defensive barriers. The military released images of the situation on Tuesday.

It believes the soldiers were involved in such operations.

South Korea's military also says it suspects landmines have exploded a number of times during the operations, resulting in numerous casualties.

North Korean troops are thought to be continuing the work, prompting Seoul to conclude they are becoming more active, and to step up vigilance.

A similar incident occurred on June 9. South Korea's military fired warning shots when about 20 soldiers briefly entered the South Korean side.

Key words : nato trans atlantic

Stoltenberg stresses NATO's modernization of nuclear deterrence

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has stressed that the trans-Atlantic alliance is modernizing its nuclear deterrence to adapt to the current security environment.

Stoltenberg spoke to reporters in Washington on Monday. He is visiting the United States ahead of a NATO summit to be held in the US capital in July.

Stoltenberg said NATO is modernizing its nuclear deterrent by replacing old aircraft with new, fifth generation fighter jets. The move comes amid the continued nuclear threat posed by Russia.

Stoltenberg had previously said the alliance needs to be able to clearly communicate that its nuclear deterrent is "effective, secure and reliable."

But the NATO chief said on Monday that there are no plans to increase the number of nuclear weapons. British daily The Telegraph had reported that NATO members are in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons.

Key words : Biden nato

NATO chief says 23 members will meet 2-percent defense spending target this year

NATO's chief says 23 of the alliance's 32 members are expected to meet the target of spending 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense this year.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg disclosed this at the start of talks with US President Joe Biden at the White House on Monday.

Stoltenberg said the move "demonstrates that European allies and Canada are really stepping up and taking their share of the common responsibility to protect all of us in the NATO alliance."

Biden welcomed the development, saying the number of NATO allies meeting the 2-percent threshold will more than double compared to when he took office.

With bigger defense budgets, NATO members are expected to discuss ways to strengthen their deterrence and defense posture against Russia at a summit in Washington next month.

Former US President Donald Trump, who is aiming to return to the White House, has been urging NATO allies to spend more on defense. He has even suggested that the United States would not protect NATO members that do not spend enough.

Key words : weather officials warm humid air

Downpours forecast from central to eastern Japan, Tokaido bullet train suspended

Weather officials are forecasting heavy rainfall in central to eastern Japan and the Okinawa-Amami region until Wednesday. Bullet train services have been temporarily suspended on some stretches of the Tokaido Shinkansen.

The Japan Meteorological Agency says warm humid air is flowing toward a front accompanied by a low pressure system off the southern coast of western to eastern Japan. Officials say this is making atmospheric conditions extremely unstable from the Kinki to the Kanto regions.

Rain clouds have developed and brought localized downpours from Kinki to Kanto. Officials say heavy rain with lightning is expected in Kinki until late Tuesday afternoon and from Tokai to Kanto-Koshin until Tuesday night.

The agency says the heavy rain has considerably heightened the risks of landslides in some areas of Okinawa and Shizuoka.

In the 24 hours until Wednesday noon, up to 150 millimeters of rainfall are forecast in Tokai, 120 millimeters in Kanto-Koshin and 100 millimeters in Okinawa and Amami.

The agency is warning of landslides, flooding of low-lying areas, swollen rivers, lightning, gusts of winds, tornadoes and hail. It is also calling on people to take precautionary measures and move into sturdy buildings if there are any signs of thunderclouds approaching.

Central Japan Railway briefly suspended services on the Tokaido Shinkansen due to heavy rain, but has currently resumed operations.

It is asking passengers to check the latest information on its website.

Key words : weather Yuumi Hirano

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